Last week we got some instructions from the doctor. I left disappointed, but encouraged (because I'm pregnant and can experience every single emotion at once). I did get ultrasound orders so I did leave happy because I LOVE watching my baby boy. So, let's start with the not so good news. The last time we got to view my beautiful bundle, he was head down ready to go. Well....he flipped on me and is BREECH! It's so disappointing but we can make this work. Everything else went perfectly. He has a head full of hair. We got to see it on the ultrasound! No wonder I've been having a battle with heartburn!!! He weighs about 6lbs 3ounces (as of the ultrasound and then they gain 1/2 a pound a week). He is practicing breathing! Do you know how awesome it was to see my son's lungs work?! It's amazing! Our bodies are sooooooo AMAZING! His head is perfect. His brain looks good! His heart looks good! And my son's not shy, his legs were of course spread eagle! And how was I? Well, lying on my back for that period time did cause me to get hot and dizzy. You see my son puts pressure on my organs and blood supply when I'm on my back and can cut off oxygen and blood flow. So, that wasn't pleasant. My amniotic fluid looks goods and he actually still has room to move. It's a plus of being tall and having along torso. He's got room. He can flip back around; however, then we run a higher risk of cord wrapping. Still, it's amazing to me to see my son and how big he's getting and what a little miracle he is! Enjoy the pictures! I also made a little collage, because John Patrick has gone from my poppyseed to this winter melon! Isn't God wonderful!?
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His beautiful profile and that Muller nose! |
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See his face?! His eyes and nose and mouth! Look at those pouty lips! |
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His little hand! |
This weekend we spent resting and spending time with family. It was Rylee's birthday party. Tomorrow, she will be 6 years old. I can't believe it and I want it to stop. She's growing up wayyyyyy to fast. She's beautiful and so smart. I can see a little of her daddy, her momma and even a little me peeking out from time to time. She's a reason to celebrate. She's a gift from God as well. I'm so proud of the young lady she's growing up to become! I can't wait to see where God is going to lead her! I can't wait to see the amazing things she is going to do! Happy birthday RyRy! Lulu loves you!
I also led music at another church this weekend. I love worshiping my God through song. He made music and the music that was played was beautiful. I love to watch Darryl play. He has such a passion for God and you can see it through his music ministry. The church Central Christian is such a welcoming church. I am honored they let me sing with them! One of the songs that we sang was He Knows My Name. It just reminds me that He does know my name. One of the lyrics is "Before even time began, my life was in His hands." It just reminds me that God had a plan for me all along and God knows our names and our hearts. It makes me smile that he has a plan for John Patrick. He planned him for me and knows his plan for my son. It's beautiful. God is so wonderful. He is a merciful and wonderful God!
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35 Weeks! |
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36 Weeks |
I did kind of overdo it this weekend and had a fainting spell right before I sang. I sometimes forget to care for myself. I get passionate about things going on in my life whether it's family, friends, church, work, whatever. And that's what happened. I didn't eat enough and ended up feeling horrible for part of the day. Pregnancy isn't always easy. It can take a toll on our bodies. I also have to remember that I am a special case as well. The WLS surgery hasn't made pregnancy any easier. It add to the complications. I have always been honest in my blog and I will tell you that I wouldn't change a thing with the WLS. It's made me healthier and the pregnancy healthier, but it has added complications and if I don't eat enough or often enough, I get sick. Sunday, it hit me. Fast. It scared me. It really really scared me. It was a wake up call to start taking care of myself and ignoring these rules.
So, on Sunday, we took our 36 week bump pictures! Enjoy the pictures below! Also, since this was a 4 week milestone picture look at how we've grown! From a poppyseed to a winter melon, my belly has sure grown!
Annnnddddd finally, the weekly doctor appointment. I know all of you are shaking to know the news (if you haven't already heard it). So, my station number was -5, no dilation and not effaced. Boo! I was hoping for a little movement. HOWEVER, it's probably a good thing since little man is breech. So, what's the plan? The plan has now changed from natural delivery to a scheduled C-Section. Because John Patrick is breech, it's safer to plan ahead for a C-Section. It's safer for both he and I. I'm okay with it. I trust Dr. Henslee wholeheartedly. He has mine and John Patrick's and even Johnathan's best interest at heart. And I mean at heart. I've never felt such compassion and love for the field from a physician like I do from Dr. Henslee and his intern Dr. Kinderknecht. Anyways, the C-Section is scheduled for August 4th. Unless the baby turns before then or he decides to come early, that's the plan. And everyone knows I LOVE a good plan.
So, that means exactly two weeks from now, we will be holding our precious little Deere in our arms! It's so surreal like any minute I'm going to wake up from this wonderful dream. I can't wait! I'm so excited!
So, prayer requests are for rest and comfort for me and Johnathan the next two weeks. Also, keep our little man cub in your prayers that if he does turn that he doesn't wrap the cord around his neck and if he doesn't, pray for a safe delivery via C-Section for both he and I!
Keep watching the blog and FB and Instragram for updates! It's sooooo close!
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