Thursday, January 19, 2012

In Dire need of encouragment....

So the good new is that we got the internet back! So, I can officially update this blog!

I hope everyone had a fantabulous New Years!

Well, 2012 has not started off the way we had hoped. The last I had written you I had that follicle test that predicted that ovulation for this cycle was unlikely and just as Beverly predicited, I did not ovulate. I waited the 40 days to call Beverly. I did not take a pregnancy test. I knew there would be no point. I can tell by my temperature chart that I did not ovulate. I hate having to call the doctor when I didn't ovulate. It is almost never good news and I usually end up in tears. Well, this time was no different. Beverly gave me three options: #1: A Whiffle Ball Procedure. #2: The fertility shots and #3: Take some time off and focus on weight loss.

I wanted to go with option #1. The whiffle ball procedure has a 70% success rate; however, my insurance will not cover this procedure. And it is just as much as having anywhere between $11,000 and $17,000. And seeing that I don't have $17,000 just lying around, that option is not an option.

Option #2 is the same way. Insurance will not cover the shots and since they are now FDA approved to do something, pharmaceutical companies have uped the price from $20 a shot to hundreds of dollars a shot so this shot remedy can cost $2000 a month. So, this options is also not an option.

So that leaves us with option #3 which is what we will be going with. Taking time off to focus on weight loss. I am devasted. I feel like nothing that I've done so far is worth anything and that no matter how hard I'm working, it's not going to happen.

I'm really discouraged and I don't really know what to do next. I even have a hard time making it to water aerobics and counting weight watcher points because I'm not really sure what the point is. Beverly assures me that once I loose weight, there will be a threshold that will be broken and I will ovulate. But, how much more? How much longer? How long will my arms be empty?

Johnathan and I have some decisions and prayer and searching for God. I really need strength and it has to be God's strength because I'm not sure how much I have left in me.

I wish I could give you better news. Right now, I just need some encouragement and prayers and motivation.

Again, thank you all for reading my blog and for your prayers and thoughts and love.

God bless you!