Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Moments with the Mullers: This could be our last blog before he gets here!
Moments with the Mullers: This could be our last blog before he gets here!: Wanna know something surreal? My C-Section is scheduled for 7 days from now. This time next week we will be kissing our baby boy's cheek...
This could be our last blog before he gets here!
Wanna know something surreal? My C-Section is scheduled for 7 days from now. This time next week we will be kissing our baby boy's cheeks and swaddling him and showering him with so much love! I can't believe it! While this last week has felt like an eternity, this really has gone by. I honestly feel like I'm going to miss feeling him wriggling around in there (even though I've been complaining about him hurting my ribs and making it difficult to breathe). I'm going to miss him and those little movements that make me smile (or grimace depending on where he kicks or rolls).
A new fear has set in. Am I ready? I've been praying for this moment for so long and now I'm scared that I won't be good at it. There so much I've not been around. What do I if he has a fever? How do I deal with the circumcision? What about the belly button/umbilical cord business? What about earaches? How do you know it's an earache? What's normal for baby pooping? What's not normal? There's so much I'm not sure how to handle and fear I won't know until I have to handle it. I worry about being a good mother. Should I hold him every time he cries? Do I give a little tough love? How much should he nap? Do I wake him up to nurse? Will I be a good mother? How do you know? I'm starting to get a little anxiety about it all.
I'm also a little scared about the C-Section. I'm honest about being a wuss when it comes to pain. I know it won't hurt during the procedure. Believe me that I have been prepped on what to expect during the procedure. What I'm worried about is the pain after the pain medicine wears off. I'm worried something will go wrong. I'm worried about post pardum depression. There's so much to worry about and it has hit me all of a sudden!
Thank you God for my husband! I wouldn't make it through this anxiety and time without him I wouldn't be able to make it. He's been my rock through all this. He's listened to me whine and complain. He's done the honey-do lists without complaint. He's tolerated the constant hungriness and hangriness. He's tried to deal with my tossing and turning (he usually just sleeps through it). He's an amazing husband. I don't deserve this blessing that God has given me. He's going to be an even better daddy. I can't wait to see how amazing he's going to be!
So, this past week we've really just rested. We are just gearing up for the baby and trying to rest while I can. It's not really easy to rest though. IT IS SO HOT! You know that joke that Satan called and he wants his weather back. I feel like that ALL time. Even in my house and I have the thermostat set on like 68 degrees. Also, a new symptom is that I feel like I can't breathe or catch my breathe. He's growing bigger and pressing up against my organs including my intestines and lungs! Well, he is the size of a pumpkin. A pumpkin! Finally a food that I can recognize! I really do feel like I have pumpkin in my uterus! He's about 7 pounds and 21 inches long. This week he's finishing up his final growing especially his lungs. He's also shedding the wax coating on his skin and shedding the hair that covers his skin. He's gearing up for his big debut!
Just a warning, the full moon starts on Friday. Now, say what you will, but statistics do show that more babies are born on the full moon! Who knows John Patrick may say to heck with the plan, he's ready to see Mommy. BUT, we want him to stay in there until Monday at least when Dr. Henslee returns.
On Sunday, we sent the church and kids off to church camp. This is the first year that Johnathan and I have missed since we've been married. It's highly depressing. I miss it. I know it's best that I stay out of the heat and try not wear myself out to get ready for this miracle to arrive. But, I'm highly upset that I missing this time to just speak a week and focus on God and spend with my family (since my family goes). I miss the Icee's and the kids and the food. My brother and my Nana thought it would be appropriate to text me that today is Indian Taco Day and I MISSED IT! I'm so bummed. I'm missing Bro. Vern bringing the message. Again, it's best, but it doesn't make it any easier. You can tell in the below bump picture that I'm not very happy. I miss it. Even getting up at the crack of dawn!
Prayers for this week include praying for my car situation. The AC is out and we only have limited days to decide what do about it. Also, prayers for peace as I try to get as much rest as possible these next 7 days (EEK! only 7!). Prayers for Johnathan as he has to deal with all my whining and griping and obsessing over every little detail.
So, next week, I probably won't be updating the blog; however, I'm sure you will see plenty of pictures of our little Deere! Stay tuned! Prayers are being answered!
A new fear has set in. Am I ready? I've been praying for this moment for so long and now I'm scared that I won't be good at it. There so much I've not been around. What do I if he has a fever? How do I deal with the circumcision? What about the belly button/umbilical cord business? What about earaches? How do you know it's an earache? What's normal for baby pooping? What's not normal? There's so much I'm not sure how to handle and fear I won't know until I have to handle it. I worry about being a good mother. Should I hold him every time he cries? Do I give a little tough love? How much should he nap? Do I wake him up to nurse? Will I be a good mother? How do you know? I'm starting to get a little anxiety about it all.
I'm also a little scared about the C-Section. I'm honest about being a wuss when it comes to pain. I know it won't hurt during the procedure. Believe me that I have been prepped on what to expect during the procedure. What I'm worried about is the pain after the pain medicine wears off. I'm worried something will go wrong. I'm worried about post pardum depression. There's so much to worry about and it has hit me all of a sudden!
Thank you God for my husband! I wouldn't make it through this anxiety and time without him I wouldn't be able to make it. He's been my rock through all this. He's listened to me whine and complain. He's done the honey-do lists without complaint. He's tolerated the constant hungriness and hangriness. He's tried to deal with my tossing and turning (he usually just sleeps through it). He's an amazing husband. I don't deserve this blessing that God has given me. He's going to be an even better daddy. I can't wait to see how amazing he's going to be!
So, this past week we've really just rested. We are just gearing up for the baby and trying to rest while I can. It's not really easy to rest though. IT IS SO HOT! You know that joke that Satan called and he wants his weather back. I feel like that ALL time. Even in my house and I have the thermostat set on like 68 degrees. Also, a new symptom is that I feel like I can't breathe or catch my breathe. He's growing bigger and pressing up against my organs including my intestines and lungs! Well, he is the size of a pumpkin. A pumpkin! Finally a food that I can recognize! I really do feel like I have pumpkin in my uterus! He's about 7 pounds and 21 inches long. This week he's finishing up his final growing especially his lungs. He's also shedding the wax coating on his skin and shedding the hair that covers his skin. He's gearing up for his big debut!
Just a warning, the full moon starts on Friday. Now, say what you will, but statistics do show that more babies are born on the full moon! Who knows John Patrick may say to heck with the plan, he's ready to see Mommy. BUT, we want him to stay in there until Monday at least when Dr. Henslee returns.
On Sunday, we sent the church and kids off to church camp. This is the first year that Johnathan and I have missed since we've been married. It's highly depressing. I miss it. I know it's best that I stay out of the heat and try not wear myself out to get ready for this miracle to arrive. But, I'm highly upset that I missing this time to just speak a week and focus on God and spend with my family (since my family goes). I miss the Icee's and the kids and the food. My brother and my Nana thought it would be appropriate to text me that today is Indian Taco Day and I MISSED IT! I'm so bummed. I'm missing Bro. Vern bringing the message. Again, it's best, but it doesn't make it any easier. You can tell in the below bump picture that I'm not very happy. I miss it. Even getting up at the crack of dawn!
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36 Weeks! |
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37 Weeks (Look at Crimson, He KNOWS something is about to change. Poor baby. |
Prayers for this week include praying for my car situation. The AC is out and we only have limited days to decide what do about it. Also, prayers for peace as I try to get as much rest as possible these next 7 days (EEK! only 7!). Prayers for Johnathan as he has to deal with all my whining and griping and obsessing over every little detail.
So, next week, I probably won't be updating the blog; however, I'm sure you will see plenty of pictures of our little Deere! Stay tuned! Prayers are being answered!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Moments with the Mullers: Full Term!! He's going to be here Soon! Is this re...
Moments with the Mullers: Full Term!! He's going to be here Soon! Is this re...: Here we are at 37 weeks! John Patrick is the size of a Winter Melon. He weighs 6lbs 8ounces and is roughly 20 inches long! He is practicing ...
Full Term!! He's going to be here Soon! Is this real life!?!?!
Here we are at 37 weeks! John Patrick is the size of a Winter Melon. He weighs 6lbs 8ounces and is roughly 20 inches long! He is practicing inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking! We are full time! That means he's developed most of his crucial functions. Of course, he'll get even healthier and stronger the next few weeks as he has a few more weeks to cook in there!
Last week we got some instructions from the doctor. I left disappointed, but encouraged (because I'm pregnant and can experience every single emotion at once). I did get ultrasound orders so I did leave happy because I LOVE watching my baby boy. So, let's start with the not so good news. The last time we got to view my beautiful bundle, he was head down ready to go. Well....he flipped on me and is BREECH! It's so disappointing but we can make this work. Everything else went perfectly. He has a head full of hair. We got to see it on the ultrasound! No wonder I've been having a battle with heartburn!!! He weighs about 6lbs 3ounces (as of the ultrasound and then they gain 1/2 a pound a week). He is practicing breathing! Do you know how awesome it was to see my son's lungs work?! It's amazing! Our bodies are sooooooo AMAZING! His head is perfect. His brain looks good! His heart looks good! And my son's not shy, his legs were of course spread eagle! And how was I? Well, lying on my back for that period time did cause me to get hot and dizzy. You see my son puts pressure on my organs and blood supply when I'm on my back and can cut off oxygen and blood flow. So, that wasn't pleasant. My amniotic fluid looks goods and he actually still has room to move. It's a plus of being tall and having along torso. He's got room. He can flip back around; however, then we run a higher risk of cord wrapping. Still, it's amazing to me to see my son and how big he's getting and what a little miracle he is! Enjoy the pictures! I also made a little collage, because John Patrick has gone from my poppyseed to this winter melon! Isn't God wonderful!?
This weekend we spent resting and spending time with family. It was Rylee's birthday party. Tomorrow, she will be 6 years old. I can't believe it and I want it to stop. She's growing up wayyyyyy to fast. She's beautiful and so smart. I can see a little of her daddy, her momma and even a little me peeking out from time to time. She's a reason to celebrate. She's a gift from God as well. I'm so proud of the young lady she's growing up to become! I can't wait to see where God is going to lead her! I can't wait to see the amazing things she is going to do! Happy birthday RyRy! Lulu loves you!
I also led music at another church this weekend. I love worshiping my God through song. He made music and the music that was played was beautiful. I love to watch Darryl play. He has such a passion for God and you can see it through his music ministry. The church Central Christian is such a welcoming church. I am honored they let me sing with them! One of the songs that we sang was He Knows My Name. It just reminds me that He does know my name. One of the lyrics is "Before even time began, my life was in His hands." It just reminds me that God had a plan for me all along and God knows our names and our hearts. It makes me smile that he has a plan for John Patrick. He planned him for me and knows his plan for my son. It's beautiful. God is so wonderful. He is a merciful and wonderful God!
I did kind of overdo it this weekend and had a fainting spell right before I sang. I sometimes forget to care for myself. I get passionate about things going on in my life whether it's family, friends, church, work, whatever. And that's what happened. I didn't eat enough and ended up feeling horrible for part of the day. Pregnancy isn't always easy. It can take a toll on our bodies. I also have to remember that I am a special case as well. The WLS surgery hasn't made pregnancy any easier. It add to the complications. I have always been honest in my blog and I will tell you that I wouldn't change a thing with the WLS. It's made me healthier and the pregnancy healthier, but it has added complications and if I don't eat enough or often enough, I get sick. Sunday, it hit me. Fast. It scared me. It really really scared me. It was a wake up call to start taking care of myself and ignoring these rules.
So, on Sunday, we took our 36 week bump pictures! Enjoy the pictures below! Also, since this was a 4 week milestone picture look at how we've grown! From a poppyseed to a winter melon, my belly has sure grown!
Annnnddddd finally, the weekly doctor appointment. I know all of you are shaking to know the news (if you haven't already heard it). So, my station number was -5, no dilation and not effaced. Boo! I was hoping for a little movement. HOWEVER, it's probably a good thing since little man is breech. So, what's the plan? The plan has now changed from natural delivery to a scheduled C-Section. Because John Patrick is breech, it's safer to plan ahead for a C-Section. It's safer for both he and I. I'm okay with it. I trust Dr. Henslee wholeheartedly. He has mine and John Patrick's and even Johnathan's best interest at heart. And I mean at heart. I've never felt such compassion and love for the field from a physician like I do from Dr. Henslee and his intern Dr. Kinderknecht. Anyways, the C-Section is scheduled for August 4th. Unless the baby turns before then or he decides to come early, that's the plan. And everyone knows I LOVE a good plan.
So, that means exactly two weeks from now, we will be holding our precious little Deere in our arms! It's so surreal like any minute I'm going to wake up from this wonderful dream. I can't wait! I'm so excited!
So, prayer requests are for rest and comfort for me and Johnathan the next two weeks. Also, keep our little man cub in your prayers that if he does turn that he doesn't wrap the cord around his neck and if he doesn't, pray for a safe delivery via C-Section for both he and I!
Keep watching the blog and FB and Instragram for updates! It's sooooo close!
Last week we got some instructions from the doctor. I left disappointed, but encouraged (because I'm pregnant and can experience every single emotion at once). I did get ultrasound orders so I did leave happy because I LOVE watching my baby boy. So, let's start with the not so good news. The last time we got to view my beautiful bundle, he was head down ready to go. Well....he flipped on me and is BREECH! It's so disappointing but we can make this work. Everything else went perfectly. He has a head full of hair. We got to see it on the ultrasound! No wonder I've been having a battle with heartburn!!! He weighs about 6lbs 3ounces (as of the ultrasound and then they gain 1/2 a pound a week). He is practicing breathing! Do you know how awesome it was to see my son's lungs work?! It's amazing! Our bodies are sooooooo AMAZING! His head is perfect. His brain looks good! His heart looks good! And my son's not shy, his legs were of course spread eagle! And how was I? Well, lying on my back for that period time did cause me to get hot and dizzy. You see my son puts pressure on my organs and blood supply when I'm on my back and can cut off oxygen and blood flow. So, that wasn't pleasant. My amniotic fluid looks goods and he actually still has room to move. It's a plus of being tall and having along torso. He's got room. He can flip back around; however, then we run a higher risk of cord wrapping. Still, it's amazing to me to see my son and how big he's getting and what a little miracle he is! Enjoy the pictures! I also made a little collage, because John Patrick has gone from my poppyseed to this winter melon! Isn't God wonderful!?
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His beautiful profile and that Muller nose! |
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See his face?! His eyes and nose and mouth! Look at those pouty lips! |
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His little hand! |
This weekend we spent resting and spending time with family. It was Rylee's birthday party. Tomorrow, she will be 6 years old. I can't believe it and I want it to stop. She's growing up wayyyyyy to fast. She's beautiful and so smart. I can see a little of her daddy, her momma and even a little me peeking out from time to time. She's a reason to celebrate. She's a gift from God as well. I'm so proud of the young lady she's growing up to become! I can't wait to see where God is going to lead her! I can't wait to see the amazing things she is going to do! Happy birthday RyRy! Lulu loves you!
I also led music at another church this weekend. I love worshiping my God through song. He made music and the music that was played was beautiful. I love to watch Darryl play. He has such a passion for God and you can see it through his music ministry. The church Central Christian is such a welcoming church. I am honored they let me sing with them! One of the songs that we sang was He Knows My Name. It just reminds me that He does know my name. One of the lyrics is "Before even time began, my life was in His hands." It just reminds me that God had a plan for me all along and God knows our names and our hearts. It makes me smile that he has a plan for John Patrick. He planned him for me and knows his plan for my son. It's beautiful. God is so wonderful. He is a merciful and wonderful God!
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35 Weeks! |
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36 Weeks |
I did kind of overdo it this weekend and had a fainting spell right before I sang. I sometimes forget to care for myself. I get passionate about things going on in my life whether it's family, friends, church, work, whatever. And that's what happened. I didn't eat enough and ended up feeling horrible for part of the day. Pregnancy isn't always easy. It can take a toll on our bodies. I also have to remember that I am a special case as well. The WLS surgery hasn't made pregnancy any easier. It add to the complications. I have always been honest in my blog and I will tell you that I wouldn't change a thing with the WLS. It's made me healthier and the pregnancy healthier, but it has added complications and if I don't eat enough or often enough, I get sick. Sunday, it hit me. Fast. It scared me. It really really scared me. It was a wake up call to start taking care of myself and ignoring these rules.
So, on Sunday, we took our 36 week bump pictures! Enjoy the pictures below! Also, since this was a 4 week milestone picture look at how we've grown! From a poppyseed to a winter melon, my belly has sure grown!
Annnnddddd finally, the weekly doctor appointment. I know all of you are shaking to know the news (if you haven't already heard it). So, my station number was -5, no dilation and not effaced. Boo! I was hoping for a little movement. HOWEVER, it's probably a good thing since little man is breech. So, what's the plan? The plan has now changed from natural delivery to a scheduled C-Section. Because John Patrick is breech, it's safer to plan ahead for a C-Section. It's safer for both he and I. I'm okay with it. I trust Dr. Henslee wholeheartedly. He has mine and John Patrick's and even Johnathan's best interest at heart. And I mean at heart. I've never felt such compassion and love for the field from a physician like I do from Dr. Henslee and his intern Dr. Kinderknecht. Anyways, the C-Section is scheduled for August 4th. Unless the baby turns before then or he decides to come early, that's the plan. And everyone knows I LOVE a good plan.
So, that means exactly two weeks from now, we will be holding our precious little Deere in our arms! It's so surreal like any minute I'm going to wake up from this wonderful dream. I can't wait! I'm so excited!
So, prayer requests are for rest and comfort for me and Johnathan the next two weeks. Also, keep our little man cub in your prayers that if he does turn that he doesn't wrap the cord around his neck and if he doesn't, pray for a safe delivery via C-Section for both he and I!
Keep watching the blog and FB and Instragram for updates! It's sooooo close!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Moments with the Mullers: All our bags are packed! We're ready to go here at...
Moments with the Mullers: All our bags are packed! We're ready to go here at...: Here we are at 36 weeks! John Patrick is the size of a cantaloupe! He weighs about 5.8 pounds and is roughly 19 inches long (or more). This ...
All our bags are packed! We're ready to go here at 36 weeks!
Here we are at 36 weeks! John Patrick is the size of a cantaloupe! He weighs about 5.8 pounds and is roughly 19 inches long (or more). This week he is getting closer and closer to be able to breathe on his own. His skin is getting smooth and soft and his gums are rigid. His liver and kidneys are in working order and the circulation and immune systems are basically good to go! On the video for this week they talked about how he's gone from our little poppyseed to a big huge cantaloupe! He's still got a little growing to do with his lungs and brain and he still needs to put on a little weight!
So, this week we kinda just took it easy. We are really just getting ready for the baby and taking advantage of being able to rest and relax. I'm not going to lie. I am kinda miserable. It's extremely hot outside. I have to pee every 3 minutes. My hips hurt. My pelvis hurt. John Patrick is kicking me in my ribs making it hard to breathe. I don't have any energy. I'm so tired but sleep is not coming to me. The lack of sleep gets to me sometimes. As does the emotional roller coaster. One minute I'm angry at the tiniest thing, the next I'm crying, the next I'm laughing. The million dollar question is would I do this again? Heck yes. I have a blessing growing inside me. No one said this was going to be easy. Actually, the Bible even says it's not easy. I would do this again and we plan to... in about three years. Pregnancy is a gift. This is a gift from God that isn't given to anyone. It's a blessing and I canNOT wait to meet my little blessing.
We did get all of our bags packed! There is a total of 4 bags plus the infant carrier. I laugh at myself because I tend to over pack. But in my defense, one bag is mine and Johnathan's clothes. The only thing that is missing is my makeup (yes, I plan on bringing it), Chi, and hair dryer. One bag is my diaper bag with John Patrick's clothes, hats, diapers, wipes, binkies, mittens, etc... One bag is is the breast pump complete with freezer bags and bottles. And the last bag has my breast feeding pillow and extra blankets. We also go the base in for the car seat and as well as the back seat cover that protect the car from spills. We honestly should have bought one of these bad boys a long time ago. The amount of stray french fries we found that that little miss Ry has lost the last six years was not only outrageous but disgusting! We even put up the mirror and got the remote ready to go to use it! The point is no matter what we are packed and ready for Go Time! This week I need to work on a Code Word so that I can text it out and people know that I'm in labor. I also need to work on the call list for Johnathan after the baby is born and things settle. I am so excited. Words cannot describe how ready I am to hold my baby boy in my arms. Enjoy this week's bump pictures that show two of my bags and that we're ready! Ready when John Patrick is!
I also got a little family time in with my brother, sister-in-law and niece. We went to eat one night. We took a road trip since of the 2015 McAlester EColi scare was going. Then, the next night, I made lasagne, cheese sticks, and Crockpot Chocolate Cherry Dr. Pepper Cobbler (check out my Pinterest. It's easy and CRAZY DELICIOUS!) We watched movies and just enjoyed one another. I am so glad that my brother and his family and my family are close. I pray that my son and Rylee have a close relationship and are best friends. I can't wait to make more family memories together.
We also celebrated my Nana and Papa's 51st wedding anniversary. How amazing is that?! It's an inspiration. It's an accomplishment (to some) to make 5 years in this day and age, but to make 51 years?! That's amazing. They've been through thick and thin and have grown a legacy that consists of 3 children, 8 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren and one great on the way. They are truly an example of marriage should be. It's not easy. It takes God, a lot of prayer, cooperation, give and take, and family. I'm proud they are my grandparents and are such a big part of our life.
Yesterday, was our first weekly doctor appointment. So, emotional day. I literally cried in the doctor's office. I feel like I had so many emotions going on all at the same time. I'm super bummed about this weight that I've gained. I've gained more than what I wanted. Don't get me wrong, I'm still in the healthy weight gain window, but it makes me super sad. I also was excited about seeing my dilation, effacement, and station numbers. When his nurse told me that we weren't going to do that this time, I started crying. Re-read previous (three up) paragraph above for the reason. It was just an emotional day. In comes my doctor. He saves the day. He always makes me feel better and gets both Johnathan and I to laughing and instantly feeling better. We started talking about my stress level and it's been a little higher lately. I have some symptoms that are stress related. I just have to remember to breathe and that everything is going to be okay. He ordered a final ultrasound so we can get a good picture of John Patrick's position. We have to make sure that he is head down and ready for flight down south. He also wants to get a final picture of John Patrick's size. Plus, I get to see my beautiful baby again. So, be prepared for pictures! We love pictures of this baby boy!! We go back next week where we will definitely check for dilation, effacement and station. If everything goes well, we are going to be in for the stretch to our due date to August 10th. If there's a problem, we may have him early...maybe even as early as next week!
So prayer requests are just for patience for me as we go these last 27 days. Yes, just 27 days. Also, prayers for good reports at the ultrasound and the weekly doctor appointments to come. Prayers for a healthy deliver for our precious cargo! I know I say this every week but thank you for all your prayers and support. We need them now more than ever!
So, this week we kinda just took it easy. We are really just getting ready for the baby and taking advantage of being able to rest and relax. I'm not going to lie. I am kinda miserable. It's extremely hot outside. I have to pee every 3 minutes. My hips hurt. My pelvis hurt. John Patrick is kicking me in my ribs making it hard to breathe. I don't have any energy. I'm so tired but sleep is not coming to me. The lack of sleep gets to me sometimes. As does the emotional roller coaster. One minute I'm angry at the tiniest thing, the next I'm crying, the next I'm laughing. The million dollar question is would I do this again? Heck yes. I have a blessing growing inside me. No one said this was going to be easy. Actually, the Bible even says it's not easy. I would do this again and we plan to... in about three years. Pregnancy is a gift. This is a gift from God that isn't given to anyone. It's a blessing and I canNOT wait to meet my little blessing.
We did get all of our bags packed! There is a total of 4 bags plus the infant carrier. I laugh at myself because I tend to over pack. But in my defense, one bag is mine and Johnathan's clothes. The only thing that is missing is my makeup (yes, I plan on bringing it), Chi, and hair dryer. One bag is my diaper bag with John Patrick's clothes, hats, diapers, wipes, binkies, mittens, etc... One bag is is the breast pump complete with freezer bags and bottles. And the last bag has my breast feeding pillow and extra blankets. We also go the base in for the car seat and as well as the back seat cover that protect the car from spills. We honestly should have bought one of these bad boys a long time ago. The amount of stray french fries we found that that little miss Ry has lost the last six years was not only outrageous but disgusting! We even put up the mirror and got the remote ready to go to use it! The point is no matter what we are packed and ready for Go Time! This week I need to work on a Code Word so that I can text it out and people know that I'm in labor. I also need to work on the call list for Johnathan after the baby is born and things settle. I am so excited. Words cannot describe how ready I am to hold my baby boy in my arms. Enjoy this week's bump pictures that show two of my bags and that we're ready! Ready when John Patrick is!
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34 Weeks |
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35 Weeks! All our bags are packed! We're ready to go! Not on a jet plane but the OB Unit at MRHC! |
I also got a little family time in with my brother, sister-in-law and niece. We went to eat one night. We took a road trip since of the 2015 McAlester EColi scare was going. Then, the next night, I made lasagne, cheese sticks, and Crockpot Chocolate Cherry Dr. Pepper Cobbler (check out my Pinterest. It's easy and CRAZY DELICIOUS!) We watched movies and just enjoyed one another. I am so glad that my brother and his family and my family are close. I pray that my son and Rylee have a close relationship and are best friends. I can't wait to make more family memories together.
We also celebrated my Nana and Papa's 51st wedding anniversary. How amazing is that?! It's an inspiration. It's an accomplishment (to some) to make 5 years in this day and age, but to make 51 years?! That's amazing. They've been through thick and thin and have grown a legacy that consists of 3 children, 8 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren and one great on the way. They are truly an example of marriage should be. It's not easy. It takes God, a lot of prayer, cooperation, give and take, and family. I'm proud they are my grandparents and are such a big part of our life.
Yesterday, was our first weekly doctor appointment. So, emotional day. I literally cried in the doctor's office. I feel like I had so many emotions going on all at the same time. I'm super bummed about this weight that I've gained. I've gained more than what I wanted. Don't get me wrong, I'm still in the healthy weight gain window, but it makes me super sad. I also was excited about seeing my dilation, effacement, and station numbers. When his nurse told me that we weren't going to do that this time, I started crying. Re-read previous (three up) paragraph above for the reason. It was just an emotional day. In comes my doctor. He saves the day. He always makes me feel better and gets both Johnathan and I to laughing and instantly feeling better. We started talking about my stress level and it's been a little higher lately. I have some symptoms that are stress related. I just have to remember to breathe and that everything is going to be okay. He ordered a final ultrasound so we can get a good picture of John Patrick's position. We have to make sure that he is head down and ready for flight down south. He also wants to get a final picture of John Patrick's size. Plus, I get to see my beautiful baby again. So, be prepared for pictures! We love pictures of this baby boy!! We go back next week where we will definitely check for dilation, effacement and station. If everything goes well, we are going to be in for the stretch to our due date to August 10th. If there's a problem, we may have him early...maybe even as early as next week!
So prayer requests are just for patience for me as we go these last 27 days. Yes, just 27 days. Also, prayers for good reports at the ultrasound and the weekly doctor appointments to come. Prayers for a healthy deliver for our precious cargo! I know I say this every week but thank you for all your prayers and support. We need them now more than ever!
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Moments with the Mullers: A busy busy weekend that led us up to 35 Weeks!
Moments with the Mullers: A busy busy weekend that led us up to 35 Weeks!: Well, we made it to 35 weeks! John Patrick is the size of a canary melon. I had to Google it. I didn't know what that was. But I will te...
A busy busy weekend that led us up to 35 Weeks!
Well, we made it to 35 weeks! John Patrick is the size of a canary melon. I had to Google it. I didn't know what that was. But I will tell you after I looked it, they looked pretty good. He's between 19 and 22 inches and is probably getting close to being the length he will be when he is born. He also weighs about 5.3 pounds. He will continue to gain 1/2 until his big arrival. His hearing is fully developed and responds best to high-pitched noises. His testicles have probably fully descended!! He's grown about 1000 times his original size. And he's not done. But almost. Only 4 weeks and 6 days to my due date! I can't wait!
This week we celebrated our nation's birthday! I truly am proud to be an American. Many people including some that I love dearly have fought and given their all for my freedoms that includes writing this blog. On Friday, we cooked. I honestly had forgotten how much I love cooking for my family. I made two Red, White & Blue cakes, cheese dip, pulled chicken and low carb, low fat, low sugar Chocolate Goodie. One thing I remember growing up is the fact love goes into cooking. I would say it's the best ingredient. I love cooking for my family and hearing how good stuff is because I put a lot of love into it.
Saturday morning, I we got up and headed out MRHC's Super Saturday birth class. By the way, if you are expecting, you NEED to take this class. This is so much more than a tour and breathing techniques. I learned so much about what to expect, what is a myth and when to call L&D and head to the hospital. Since I've never had a contraction or experience water breaking, I had tons of reservations about what to do. This put me at ease and taught me a few things. Like for example, for doc appointments here on out, I will not only be checked for dilation, but also how much I've effaced and then where the baby is in my pelvis. All of these elements put together gives the doctor a good indicator of when he might make it. So, we want my cervix to efface and to dilate and we want him dropping lower in my pelvis. I learned TONS about an epidural. I've heard horror stories about women being stuck at being dilated at 3 and not able to get an epidural. You no longer have to wait. You can get it as soon as they decide they are keeping you. I learned how it works and what to expect. I learned about why the plan might change to a C-Section and what to expect there as well. What is also a comfort is that Johnathan can be there the whole way unless something is very wrong with me or the baby. So far, we aren't expecting any complications, so I'm pretty much at ease. This class really did alleviate most of my fears about labor. I've really been panicking. Don't get me wrong, I have some uneasiness about the whole shabang. If you know me, you know I'm a wimp. I'm willing to admit it. But, I have a good idea what to expect and you know my body was made to do this. I can do this. Correction: We can do this. We CAN DO THIS!
Speaking of Super Saturday Birth Class, this is the first Saturday of every month at MRHC. I HIGHLY recommend it for all my expecting mommies. It's important for you know what to expect and to learn about what MRHC has to offer. I couldn't be prouder to be a part of this team and to share this experience with the experienced medical professionals that we have. Thank you to Kim, Megan, Tonya and the OB staff for their hard work to introduce our precious miracles into this world. You gals and guys are the best!
After class, we came home and finished a few things for the 4th and headed to the Annual Nichols/Moore Freedom Fest at my Aunt Ranee's. We've been doing this for years! It's always a blast. Food and family and fireworks. Some of my favorite things. It was a nice cool evening and I even had to put on a jacket. It was a beautiful night for fireworks. Also, I chose this day for our bump picture. See below :). You can see he's growing and I think (and hope and pray) that he's dropping. Anyways, John Patrick is kinda like his Mommy in that he didn't like the big BOOMs. I've never been one that liked the big scary fireworks. My least favorite are the Saturn Missiles. Anytime there was a BIG BOOM, he would kick. I'm sure he wore himself out that night because he didn't rest until we got home.
On Sunday, we got up and headed to church for some good worship and then we headed to spend time with the Latimers/Cobbles at Paula's. I've not only been blessed with a good family that I was born into, but I'm also blessed with the family that I married into. I'm pretty blessed to have in-laws that accept me as part of the family and that loves me for who I am. John Patrick is going to be one loved little man. I can't wait to share the love with this family. We spent the day having a fish fry and before you asked, I followed the rules and didn't eat any fried fish. What I did eat a TON of was fried biscuits with some honey. Talk about pregnant heaven, those were amazing. Uncle Roger, Aunt Tonya, Paula and John did an AMAZING job on dinner. We visited and rested and then about dusk we let the kids go out with the fireworks to set them off. I love being an aunt. While we missed the little ones, Juliana, Kainan & Jasper and we missed Trenton , I enjoyed spending time with the older kiddos, Dillon, Amy & Skyler. They don't get together too often, but watching them bond over fireworks made my evening. Again, I can't wait for John Patrick to join this mix and make memories that will last a lifetime with his cousins. It makes me smile just to think about it. I love Johnathan and the fact that family is just as important to him as it is to me. John Patrick and I are truly blessed.
Yesterday, we recovered. It was a long busy busy busy weekend and was glad to be able to sleep in. I say sleep because I didn't technically get out of bed until 10:00am, but sleep is getting harder and harder to achieve. I have to pee all night long and John Patrick gets a little uncomfy and he's sure to let Mommy know. But, we did rest and take it easy.
So, now we're back to reality and the countdown is on. There is only 34 days until my due date! EEEK! He could come early and he could decide he wants to rely on Mommy for a little bit longer. Not gonna lie, I'm hoping for early. We go back to the doctor on Monday and start the weekly appointments. I'm sure I'll keep you updated! We just have a few more things to do and pack and we'll be ready for our little man cub! I'm about to start putting together a phone call/text tree for the big moment. It's so close, but yet not close enough! We are so excited and ready to kiss those sweet cheeks of our little miracle! And we know we're not the only ones!
Prayer requests is that we continue to have a healthy pregnancy and that things will work it self out healthy and safely. Pray that the heat doesn't take too much out of me. Also, start praying for church camp. This is the first time in almost 10 years that I won't be able to go. Pray that our sponsors (Nana, Papa, Michael & Megan) won't have too hard of a time and that God will move! Church camp is the last week of July. If John Patrick comes early, maybe we will go.
Thank you all for your support. We truly have the best friends and family ever! Love you all!
This week we celebrated our nation's birthday! I truly am proud to be an American. Many people including some that I love dearly have fought and given their all for my freedoms that includes writing this blog. On Friday, we cooked. I honestly had forgotten how much I love cooking for my family. I made two Red, White & Blue cakes, cheese dip, pulled chicken and low carb, low fat, low sugar Chocolate Goodie. One thing I remember growing up is the fact love goes into cooking. I would say it's the best ingredient. I love cooking for my family and hearing how good stuff is because I put a lot of love into it.
Saturday morning, I we got up and headed out MRHC's Super Saturday birth class. By the way, if you are expecting, you NEED to take this class. This is so much more than a tour and breathing techniques. I learned so much about what to expect, what is a myth and when to call L&D and head to the hospital. Since I've never had a contraction or experience water breaking, I had tons of reservations about what to do. This put me at ease and taught me a few things. Like for example, for doc appointments here on out, I will not only be checked for dilation, but also how much I've effaced and then where the baby is in my pelvis. All of these elements put together gives the doctor a good indicator of when he might make it. So, we want my cervix to efface and to dilate and we want him dropping lower in my pelvis. I learned TONS about an epidural. I've heard horror stories about women being stuck at being dilated at 3 and not able to get an epidural. You no longer have to wait. You can get it as soon as they decide they are keeping you. I learned how it works and what to expect. I learned about why the plan might change to a C-Section and what to expect there as well. What is also a comfort is that Johnathan can be there the whole way unless something is very wrong with me or the baby. So far, we aren't expecting any complications, so I'm pretty much at ease. This class really did alleviate most of my fears about labor. I've really been panicking. Don't get me wrong, I have some uneasiness about the whole shabang. If you know me, you know I'm a wimp. I'm willing to admit it. But, I have a good idea what to expect and you know my body was made to do this. I can do this. Correction: We can do this. We CAN DO THIS!
Speaking of Super Saturday Birth Class, this is the first Saturday of every month at MRHC. I HIGHLY recommend it for all my expecting mommies. It's important for you know what to expect and to learn about what MRHC has to offer. I couldn't be prouder to be a part of this team and to share this experience with the experienced medical professionals that we have. Thank you to Kim, Megan, Tonya and the OB staff for their hard work to introduce our precious miracles into this world. You gals and guys are the best!
After class, we came home and finished a few things for the 4th and headed to the Annual Nichols/Moore Freedom Fest at my Aunt Ranee's. We've been doing this for years! It's always a blast. Food and family and fireworks. Some of my favorite things. It was a nice cool evening and I even had to put on a jacket. It was a beautiful night for fireworks. Also, I chose this day for our bump picture. See below :). You can see he's growing and I think (and hope and pray) that he's dropping. Anyways, John Patrick is kinda like his Mommy in that he didn't like the big BOOMs. I've never been one that liked the big scary fireworks. My least favorite are the Saturn Missiles. Anytime there was a BIG BOOM, he would kick. I'm sure he wore himself out that night because he didn't rest until we got home.
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33 Weeks! First VBS! |
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34 Weeks! First 4th! |
On Sunday, we got up and headed to church for some good worship and then we headed to spend time with the Latimers/Cobbles at Paula's. I've not only been blessed with a good family that I was born into, but I'm also blessed with the family that I married into. I'm pretty blessed to have in-laws that accept me as part of the family and that loves me for who I am. John Patrick is going to be one loved little man. I can't wait to share the love with this family. We spent the day having a fish fry and before you asked, I followed the rules and didn't eat any fried fish. What I did eat a TON of was fried biscuits with some honey. Talk about pregnant heaven, those were amazing. Uncle Roger, Aunt Tonya, Paula and John did an AMAZING job on dinner. We visited and rested and then about dusk we let the kids go out with the fireworks to set them off. I love being an aunt. While we missed the little ones, Juliana, Kainan & Jasper and we missed Trenton , I enjoyed spending time with the older kiddos, Dillon, Amy & Skyler. They don't get together too often, but watching them bond over fireworks made my evening. Again, I can't wait for John Patrick to join this mix and make memories that will last a lifetime with his cousins. It makes me smile just to think about it. I love Johnathan and the fact that family is just as important to him as it is to me. John Patrick and I are truly blessed.
Yesterday, we recovered. It was a long busy busy busy weekend and was glad to be able to sleep in. I say sleep because I didn't technically get out of bed until 10:00am, but sleep is getting harder and harder to achieve. I have to pee all night long and John Patrick gets a little uncomfy and he's sure to let Mommy know. But, we did rest and take it easy.
So, now we're back to reality and the countdown is on. There is only 34 days until my due date! EEEK! He could come early and he could decide he wants to rely on Mommy for a little bit longer. Not gonna lie, I'm hoping for early. We go back to the doctor on Monday and start the weekly appointments. I'm sure I'll keep you updated! We just have a few more things to do and pack and we'll be ready for our little man cub! I'm about to start putting together a phone call/text tree for the big moment. It's so close, but yet not close enough! We are so excited and ready to kiss those sweet cheeks of our little miracle! And we know we're not the only ones!
Prayer requests is that we continue to have a healthy pregnancy and that things will work it self out healthy and safely. Pray that the heat doesn't take too much out of me. Also, start praying for church camp. This is the first time in almost 10 years that I won't be able to go. Pray that our sponsors (Nana, Papa, Michael & Megan) won't have too hard of a time and that God will move! Church camp is the last week of July. If John Patrick comes early, maybe we will go.
Thank you all for your support. We truly have the best friends and family ever! Love you all!
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