Here are this week's bump picture! Enjoy!
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28 Weeks |
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29 Weeks |
Last week was busy busy busy. We came back from vacation and caught up laundry, which is always a fun time (insert eye roll here). On Thursday, we had our first official baby shower thrown by the HR gals and Terry. I am so blessed to work with such amazing people. John Patrick is loved by so many people already. He is one blessed baby boy! We are so excited to celebrate this little miracle with the world. We are blessed to have amazing people and friends in our lives! We had a beautiful shower. I am so appreciative to Marge, Tiffany, Deborah and Terry for making sure that everything was taken care of. We had the cutest cookies and very yummy cupcakes. We got tons of stuff. We got some new clothes, toys, diapers, blankets. Again, we are blessed. Here a few pictures of the shower. These are just a few.
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All of the loot! He's so spoiled already! |
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A John Deere piggy bank! |
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Yep! Momma's boy already!! Look out ladies! |
Yesterday, we had our routine OB appointment. So, I failed my glucose test. It was just a barely fail, but enough to have the doc question it. That paired with my uterus measuring 3 weeks ahead can point to Gestational Diabetes. It's enough to get his attention and to worry me. Believe me, I've Google enough about Gestational Diabetes to worry myself into a frenzy... I already had an appointment with the specialist so he decided to let it ride until we could get the specialist's opinion (which will be shared below). I also want to note that that my BP is awesome. It was 116/60. Before the WLS, my BP was regularly 150-160/90-100. Proof that the WLS not only made me look better, but helped me become healthier. So, the plan is to wait to see what the Specialist says and then our next appointment which is in two weeks, we will discuss birth plan and such to nail down a plan. We are getting so close!
Today started out as a good day. You know that Brad Paisley song "I Thought I Loved You Then"? Well, that's how my day started. I spent about 15 minutes crying over the song. It wasn't a bad cry, but a good happy cry, because when I met Johnathan 8 years ago. I knew he was something special and as our friendship grew into this marriage, I remember the first time I had said that I loved him. I was at Falls Creek and he couldn't go because he couldn't get off of his job then. It was the first time we hadn't seen each other at least every other day. I missed him terribly and I just told him. He said it back. At that moment, there was no way I thought I could love him any more. Then, on our wedding day, as I walked down the aisle and looking at him, I knew I loved him more. As we battled infertility and PCOS, he stood beside me in the most uncomfortable and awkward positions, listening and learning about the gross things about my body. I grew to love him more and more as he loved me through this trial in our life. Then, when he completely changed his lifestyle to match mine so that I would be a success with the WLS, I thought my cup was full. But today, as I got up to get ready to head to this specialist, I was nervous and worried about what could be wrong with my son, there was my husband, dealing with the everyday details of life, like packing water for me to drink or taking care of the dog. I love him so much more now than I ever thought possible. He's stood beside me through whatever life has thrown and loved me through it all. He's going to be an amazing daddy and I can't wait to grow to love him even more.
The specialist appointment started off great. I had another good BP 118/80. My weight gain is right on target. Then came the ultrasound. Anytime I get to see my son, is a great moment. We got to see his heart and kidneys and legs and even his testicles. Yes, we have more confirmation that we are having a little boy. She was a little rough but I toughed it out to make sure the doctor had everything he needed to come to a medical conclusion. I also got really hot and dizzy which is apparently normal. Below are some pictures of our poppyseed! He's beautiful! Next, we met with the specialist. Let me just say that I read reviews about this physician via the web. Now, I work in the healthcare field and I know that most of the time the reviews are usually upset patients. We usually only comment on things when we are angry. It's very rare to read a review that is not a glowing review or a horrible review. The reviews were all about how he refuses to work with overweight patients and basically tells them they are horrible people for having babies while overweight. Now, we all know that I'm a tad bit sensitive about my weight and worried myself into a frenzy about this appointment. I couldn't have over-dramatized more. Not only did he treat us wonderful, he commended me about my weight loss and that he's proud of the decisions and accomplishments that I've made. So, the good news?? John Patrick is perfect! I'm not just saying that because I'm his mother and he has 1/2 of my genes. The doctor said that he is perfect. He's a perfect size! He's not 3 weeks ahead of schedule at all but right on target!! That means, this mommy, does NOT have gestational diabetes in his opinion. In his medical opinion the reason I "failed" that glucose test is because of my surgery. So, pay attention, future WLS patients that plan on having children, because the WLS makes your stomach work slower, keeping it full a little longer. This delays the processing of food and nutrients; hence, the processing of the sugar from that disgusting vile orange drink that I got down. Another indicator? John Patrick weighs 3.4 pounds. He should weigh between 2.8 and 3.8 pounds. If I had gestational diabetes, he would be much larger. Need another indicator? If I had gestational diabetes, his liver would be secreting insulin, and there is NO indication that he's doing that. The specialist said that there is no cause for concern and to enjoy my perfect, long legged (confirmed by ultrasound), big nosed little boy (also confirmed, see the Muller nose below). I could not be happier. God has answered yet another one of my prayers!!
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Look at my perfect boy with the Muller Nose. FYI, that prominent nose bone is also an indicator that he will not have Down's Syndrome. |
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Another one of his sweet face! I can't wait to kiss those cheeks! Only 9 weeks and 6 days left to go! |
So, now what? Now, we just enjoy the rest of this week. This weekend is our baby shower at the church. Again, I'm thankful that so many people love this baby boy already. I hope to see you there so we can celebrate this little miracle with you! Thanks to Vanessa, Megan and Maryah for arranging all of this so we can share our little miracle! Let me know if you need more info! It's Saturday, June 6, 2015 at Hillcrest Baptist Church, McAlester, 2pm. We are registered at Walmart, BabiesRUs and Baby Depot! Bring a book instead of a card! Hope to see you there! Look forward to pictures from there!!
So, prayer requests are for a continued healthy pregnancy! Believe me your prayers are being heard!
Talk to you next week!
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