Anyone who has ever said "Nothing tastes a good as skinny feels" has obviously never struggled with weight. I'm not talking about someone who struggles with appearance with ten or so pounds. I'm talking about people who truly have to lose weight more than 20 pounds and have struggled with it for a good part of their life.
I've struggled with weight since I can remember. There are plenty of reasons out there. Genetics. Diet. Activity Level. At my biggest, I was 345 pounds. At my smallest, I was 199. Food is an addiction and so many things in our daily lives revolve around it. It's hard to escape.
It's been a week since I started working on myself again. The 7 longest days of my life and the most miserable. I dream about food. I scroll paste your ever so tasty looking videos on social media. I've cried. I've gotten angry. I've been depressed. It's been difficult.
If you've wondered what I've done, I've started a pouch reset. I've learned this technique from Google. It's not for the weak-willed and it's certainly not easy.
So, here's a breakdown of a pouch reset. Day #1: Clear Liquids Only. Day #2 & #3: Full Liquid Diet. Day #4, #5, & #6: Pureed Foods. Day #7, #8, & #9: Soft Foods. Day #10 and beyond: Healthy, low carb, high protein diet. And here are some examples of what I ate the last 7 days.
Day #1: Clear Liquid Diet -- Total Calorie Count -- 235
8:00am: Green Tea sweetened with Splenda
9:00am: Ice Water with lots and lots of ice
10:00am: Sugar Free Jell-O
11:00am: Ice Water
Noon: Chicken Broth
1:00pm: Ice Water
2:00pm: Sugar Free Jell-O
3:00pm: Ice Water
5:00pm: Sugar Free Jell-O
6:00pm: Chicken Broth
7:00pm: Ice Water
8:00pm: Sugar Free Popsicle
Day #2: Full Liquid Diet -- Total Calories: 317
8:00am: Green Tea Sweetened with Splenda
9:00am: Protein Shake made with Water
10:00am: Ice water again lots and lots of Ice
Noon: Light & Fit Yogurt
1:00pm: Ice Water
3:00pm: Sugar Free Pudding
4:00pm: Ice Water
5:00pm: Light & Fit Yogurt
6:00pm: Ice Water
7:00pm: Sugar Free Popsicle
Day #4: Pureed Diet -- Total Calories: 503
8:00am: Green Tea Sweetened with Splenda
9:00am: Atkins Shake
10:00am: Ice Water again LOTS and LOTs of Ice
Noon: Atkins Shake
1:00pm: Ice Water
3:00pm: Sugar Free Pudding
4:00pm: Ice Water
6:00pm: 1 Egg Scrambled without milk, 1 tablespoon of salsa
7:00pm: Sugar Free Popsicle
Day #7: Soft Diet -- Total Calories: 720
8:00am: Green Tea Sweetened with Splenda
9:00am: 1 Egg Scrambled without milk, 1 tablespoon of salsa
10:00am: Ice Water
Noon: 1/2 C. Fat Free Refried Beans
1:00pm: Ice Water
3:00pm: Sugar Free Pudding
5:00pm: Ice Water
6:00pm: 1/2 C. Canned Chicken, drained, 1 tablespoon Light Mayo
7:00pm: Sugar Free Popsicle
As you can tell, I am extremely thankful for sugar free pudding and sugar free Popsicles. They have made this bearable and liveable. Like I said this has been the hardest week of my life. I've had to sit and help serve donuts, cake, and steak and potatoes. But my willpower prevailed. I didn't cheat. Not once.
What did I gain from this? 11 pounds down and that my friends is in my opinion of a great kickstart to this weightloss.
Why am I doing this? #1: To be healthy. I want to be there when my son starts school and graduates. I want to be at his first and last football game. I want to meet his wife and help plan the nursery. #2: I want more kids. #3: I am sooooo afraid of being 345 pounds again. It's one of my biggest fears that I will set back into bad habits and lifestyle choices and gain every pound back.
So, why blog about it? Because I need support. I need tips on alternatives and people to not judge. I absolutely deleted people of my social media accounts for negative comments like "Didn't you have surgery? Wow. You can't tell." "How much weight did you gain with that baby? Have you lost any of it." I don't need that negativity because at the end of the day, I'm my own worst critic.
So, it's a new week. I've started exercising and now that I can eat food like chicken and tuna. I'm not just living on liquids and yogurt. I feel good and I'm feeling better about this.
With that, welcome back. I'm going to bring back the recipes and accountability of you, my friends and family who support me. Look forward to new recipes and tips!
Thank you all so much for supporting me! I look forward to sharing this new journey for you!
Moments with the Mullers
Monday, January 23, 2017
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
I'm baaaccccckkkkk with a 6lb loss! What a way to start a new year!!
Hey everybody!
It's been about 5 months! Life has been absolutely wonderfully crazy!
So let's do some math. I lost a total of 156 pounds. Then, I got blessed with a 7lb baby boy and gained 30 of that back. Then, after John Patrick made his big debut, I lost 26 of those pounds. Then, the holidays hit. Soooo, I gained 7lbs. This week I lost 6lbs. So, I am 5 pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight with a total loss of 151 pounds. That's still pretty amazing!
And just in case you were wondering, my 7lb baby boy is now 18 pound baby boy! He's absolutely perfect. He's a smiling ball of loveablness and God has blessed me beyond measure with this baby. He's far surpassed what I had imagined!
What I do stress out about is my clothes. Why don't they fit right?! I don't understand it. I know my body stretched and expanded in ways I didn't realize. I just want to be back in my 12s and 10s again.
But most importantly, I want to be healthy. I want more babies. At least two more...maybe more. I kinda like being a mommy. I'm kinda good at it. Go figure. I want to be healthy so that I can spend more time with my kids. I want to see grandkids and maybe even great-grandkids. I also want to be an example for my kids when it comes to being healthy.
What I need to remember is that at the end of the day my husband and my son love me whether or not I'm a size 28 or a size 10. My son doesn't look at me with love because of my outward appearance. He looks at me because he loves me because I'm the mommy. I'm his mommy and that means more to me than any satisfaction of a weigh in or anything.
That being said I'm on the path to get the rest of the baby weight off and a path to a healthier lifestyle. I did it before and I can do this again. But this time I'm also going to enjoy life a little.
So, this week there was a 6 pound loss. That's amazing! Right?! Everyone asks how I do it. I just cut down carbs, limit one coffee per day sweetened with a little creamer and splenda and drink as much water as I can. It's not always easy. Yes, I get hungry. Yes, I'm dying for a piece of that chocolate in the office candy dish. But I also know I have some pretty good will power.
Hopefully, I can get these in on Tuesday nights. Say a prayer for me that my willpower stays up. And say a prayer for my husband. He's the one who is on the receiving end usually with the hangry moods! lol!
So, as promised here is the recipe for the Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Cookies:
2 Scoops of Chocolate protein powder
1 1/2 C. Almond Flour
3 Eggs
1 C. Splenda
4 Tblspn Peanut Butter
1 Tblspn Vanilla
4 Tblspn Softened Butter
Mix together the splenda, PB, vanilla and butter until well mixed. Add in the Flour and protein powder. Spoon in to cookie sheets and bake 10-13 minutes at 350. Enjoy!
It's been about 5 months! Life has been absolutely wonderfully crazy!
So let's do some math. I lost a total of 156 pounds. Then, I got blessed with a 7lb baby boy and gained 30 of that back. Then, after John Patrick made his big debut, I lost 26 of those pounds. Then, the holidays hit. Soooo, I gained 7lbs. This week I lost 6lbs. So, I am 5 pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight with a total loss of 151 pounds. That's still pretty amazing!
And just in case you were wondering, my 7lb baby boy is now 18 pound baby boy! He's absolutely perfect. He's a smiling ball of loveablness and God has blessed me beyond measure with this baby. He's far surpassed what I had imagined!
What I do stress out about is my clothes. Why don't they fit right?! I don't understand it. I know my body stretched and expanded in ways I didn't realize. I just want to be back in my 12s and 10s again.
But most importantly, I want to be healthy. I want more babies. At least two more...maybe more. I kinda like being a mommy. I'm kinda good at it. Go figure. I want to be healthy so that I can spend more time with my kids. I want to see grandkids and maybe even great-grandkids. I also want to be an example for my kids when it comes to being healthy.
What I need to remember is that at the end of the day my husband and my son love me whether or not I'm a size 28 or a size 10. My son doesn't look at me with love because of my outward appearance. He looks at me because he loves me because I'm the mommy. I'm his mommy and that means more to me than any satisfaction of a weigh in or anything.
That being said I'm on the path to get the rest of the baby weight off and a path to a healthier lifestyle. I did it before and I can do this again. But this time I'm also going to enjoy life a little.
So, this week there was a 6 pound loss. That's amazing! Right?! Everyone asks how I do it. I just cut down carbs, limit one coffee per day sweetened with a little creamer and splenda and drink as much water as I can. It's not always easy. Yes, I get hungry. Yes, I'm dying for a piece of that chocolate in the office candy dish. But I also know I have some pretty good will power.
Hopefully, I can get these in on Tuesday nights. Say a prayer for me that my willpower stays up. And say a prayer for my husband. He's the one who is on the receiving end usually with the hangry moods! lol!
So, as promised here is the recipe for the Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Cookies:
2 Scoops of Chocolate protein powder
1 1/2 C. Almond Flour
3 Eggs
1 C. Splenda
4 Tblspn Peanut Butter
1 Tblspn Vanilla
4 Tblspn Softened Butter
Mix together the splenda, PB, vanilla and butter until well mixed. Add in the Flour and protein powder. Spoon in to cookie sheets and bake 10-13 minutes at 350. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Moments with the Mullers: Thank you God for answered prayers! Be prepared fo...
Moments with the Mullers: Thank you God for answered prayers! Be prepared fo...: Well, we made it. It's been one amazing, roller coaster of a journey, but we made it. And honestly, the journey has really just begun. ...
Thank you God for answered prayers! Be prepared for picture OVERLOAD!
Well, we made it. It's been one amazing, roller coaster of a journey, but we made it. And honestly, the journey has really just begun.
John Patrick Muller was born August 4, 2015 at 9:18am. He weighed 7 pounds and 5 ounces and was 19.3 inches long.
Let me just start at the beginning of the day last Tuesday. I didn't sleep at all the night before. I was nervous and excited and scared and worried and anxious and pretty much every emotion in the spectrum. We made it to admitting a little before six where I took my last bump picture and the last picture of the Mullers as it stands just Johnathan and I. Enjoy them below :)
We then went to L&D where I was officially admitted as a patient. The fun began. I had to have a UA (urine analysis for those who don't work in healthcare) and blood work. I also had to get started on fluids so I was plenty hydrated for the upcoming surgery. A c-section is considered major surgery and it is major abdominal surgery btw... Let me just say the nursing staff we have at MRHC is PHENOMENAL! I've always kinda known that we have amazing nurses, but now that I've seen the patient care they provide, I don't understand why people choose to go elsewhere for care. Where else can you get that hometown feel and love that I received? I never felt unsafe or uninformed about what was going on with my care. I was very well taken care of and it began the minute I walked in the door. Thank you Kim, Megan, and Amy for being such great leaders of a wonderful team!
I was taken back to the OR. I had to drink this purple stuff that smelled like grape soda, but I was fooled. It was horrible and I was warned it would be horrible. The anesthesiologist was AMAZING! I did not worry about my spinal and I did get sick off of it. I was horribly embarrassed, but FYI, a common side effect of the spinal is that your BP (blood pressure) drops rapidly and makes you sick. This happened to me and it's a natural response that your body has.
The cool thing about a C-Section is that you are awake and alert the whole time. Which sounds kind of scary (or at least it did to me); however, it wasn't scary at all because that's how amazing the staff is. There was a sheet up so I couldn't see my insides on the outside and Johnathan got to be in the room with me. I know I say this all the time, but I have the best husband. I know (because I've been married to him for 6 and with him for 8 years) that he was scared to death. You can tell because he overly tries to hide it, but he was a champ. He held my hand the entire time. The staff kept me calm and we actually talked about normal things like traveling and the nursery. I honestly was calm and not scared the whole time because of them. Finally, the time came where they told Johnathan he could look and get a few pictures of our son. And when I heard my sweet baby boy's first cry, I started crying and said "That's my son."
This is the moment we've been praying for for six years. This is the moment I had almost given up hope on. This is the moment that I worked so hard for. This is the moment that my heart was overfilled with such joy and I knew that God had answered my prayers. "For this child, we have prayed and the Lord has granted me what I have asked of Him." 1 Samuel 1:27. Below are some pictures.
After surgery, the OB nurses take the baby and clean him off. As you see, I did get a few moments with him before they took him to be weighed and to get his APGAR score (which was 9 btw). I got to stay in the room with the surgery team to get me closed up and ready for the next step. Johnathan got to go with the baby while he was cleaned and weighed and everything. Again, pictures below (just a few).
So, Dr. Henslee is AMAZING. While we closed me up, I was already itching to get my arms around my little one. I'm sure he knew it because again we kept conversation going while he worked to keep my nerves in check. He is an amazing physician and I'm so glad we chose him for our care. I cannot imagine this experience without him and truly believe I got the best care available!
After I was closed up, I was sent to the recovery room where I was monitored for my BP and fluids. These fluids. Ugghhhhh. I've never been one who could get fluids in properly so I had to play catch up. I wasn't in there long for real, but it felt like an eternity because I wanted to hold my baby. FINALLY, I was released to go to my room so I can hold my precious baby boy.
They brought him into me and he is so tiny. He has tiny hands and tiny feet. He is, in my completely bias opinion, the most beautiful baby in the world. I got a few minutes with him before the grandparents got to come in for a few minutes. Then, it was time to get the baby to breast. I decided a long time ago that breastfeeding is the way to go. It's best for the baby and it's economical. We are calling breast feeding "num nums" because I don't want my son to ask me in public for the boob. So, giving John Patrick num nums is not as easy as I thought it would be. I've read how natural it is and it is a natural and beautiful thing that God has given me as a woman the ability to do; however, it's a learning experience. I had to learn what he likes, like how to be held and the position that he likes me to be in and he had to learn how to latch and work for it. It's been quite the learning experience for all three of us.
That first night was pretty rough. He was up every 15 or 30 minutes wanting num nums. I was getting frustrated and discouraged and felt like I wasn't giving him what he needed. Finally, at like 4 am, the nurse came in and told me they were taking him for his bath and to be weighed and for me to get some rest while he was gone. Which I did because, it had been a long eventful night for all three of us. Then, the nurse came back in. And my son had lost 5.38% of his body weight. It's normal for babies to lose weight after birth, but anything 6% and over requires a new plan. The nurse suggested that we start supplementing formula. I felt (and still kinda feel) like a failure. He was nursing pretty much all night long! And still wasn't getting what he needed from me and that was my most important job which was to provide for him. So, we started supplementing with formula. We breastfeed first and then give him a little formula and then I pump to give him a little extra milk before the formula. It's not what we planned but it's what is best for my son. Once we started doing that, he started sleeping better. The next night, he would have slept through the night if we hadn't made him get up and eat every 2-3 hours. He also gained weight back and is happy and healthy and that's what is most important.
The next morning, they got me up and I started walking. I've had abdominal surgery before and I knew the key to my ticket home would be proving that I could get up and walk. I walked three laps that first morning. I'm a boss! And I know it. LOL! It hurt. Dumb me, thought the pain would resemble the pain from the WLS. Boy, was I WRONG!! It's much much worse. It hurts to stand and hurts to sit down. I tried to be a champ and not use the pain meds. I was slowly trying to wean myself off of them. I didn't want to rely on them to go home. So, I went almost the whole day not asking for any. That night, I went to the bathroom and started shaking like I had the chills. I immediately started to panic because I thought it was fever and fever is a sign of infection. Johnathan got the nurse who came in with 2 pain pills and checked my temp. Of course there was no fever. A natural response to pain is that your body convulses. I got a very long lecture from both my nurse and physician about how it's easier to stay ahead of the pain game than it is to catch up with it after a major surgery. So, lesson learned there. I won't get an award for not asking for pain meds. I won't heal faster without them. I just suffer.
Finally, we got to go home. I will just tell you that it's been wonderful. Our prayers were answered in that we have a happy healthy addition to the Muller family. It's been wonderful. We've been trying to get the baby on a routine and I think we do a pretty good job of it. At night, he will sleep until about 5 minutes before my alarm goes off to get him up to eat. He really only cries if he's hungry, muddy or wants Mommy to hold the soothie in his mouth. He is precious. He is amazing. He is the best gift that God has given to me second to my salvation. Johnathan and I could not be happier. We are on cloud 9 and loving every minute we have with this baby boy. Enjoy some more pictures :)
So, what's next for the Mullers and the blog? We are going back to weight loss. I gained 34 pounds with this pregnancy. It was a healthy pregnancy and that weight gain was in the normal range. Since the delivery, I've lost 17 of those pounds. So, I am 66 pounds away from my target weight and I'm going to work to get there. I want to be as healthy as possible so #1 I don't get back up to 345 pounds, #2 I can be an example to my son, and #3 we can repeat this process in 2,3 or 4 years. As soon as I am released to go back to exercising, we will start with the menus and weekly posting of weight loss and recipes. I also want to advocate for breastfeeding and other parental topics.
I also want to take the moment to thank each and everyone of you. Your gifts, flowers, messages, calls, texts, visits, prayers and thoughts were not unappreciated and were definitely needed. A large part of this journey depended on you and your kindness. We could not have done it without you. We thank you and love you more than you know!
Prayer requests are that you continue to pray for our family. Pray that we get some rest. Johnathan and I both are bad about getting up and making sure that he's still breathing. Prayers that I get back on track to healthy eating and living and we continue to live that lifestyle not just for the weight loss but for healthy lifestyle.
John Patrick Muller was born August 4, 2015 at 9:18am. He weighed 7 pounds and 5 ounces and was 19.3 inches long.
Let me just start at the beginning of the day last Tuesday. I didn't sleep at all the night before. I was nervous and excited and scared and worried and anxious and pretty much every emotion in the spectrum. We made it to admitting a little before six where I took my last bump picture and the last picture of the Mullers as it stands just Johnathan and I. Enjoy them below :)
38 Weeks |
39 Weeks |
The best is yet to come! Last bump pictures! |
Mommy & Daddy |
Last picture of the two Muller family! |
We then went to L&D where I was officially admitted as a patient. The fun began. I had to have a UA (urine analysis for those who don't work in healthcare) and blood work. I also had to get started on fluids so I was plenty hydrated for the upcoming surgery. A c-section is considered major surgery and it is major abdominal surgery btw... Let me just say the nursing staff we have at MRHC is PHENOMENAL! I've always kinda known that we have amazing nurses, but now that I've seen the patient care they provide, I don't understand why people choose to go elsewhere for care. Where else can you get that hometown feel and love that I received? I never felt unsafe or uninformed about what was going on with my care. I was very well taken care of and it began the minute I walked in the door. Thank you Kim, Megan, and Amy for being such great leaders of a wonderful team!
I was taken back to the OR. I had to drink this purple stuff that smelled like grape soda, but I was fooled. It was horrible and I was warned it would be horrible. The anesthesiologist was AMAZING! I did not worry about my spinal and I did get sick off of it. I was horribly embarrassed, but FYI, a common side effect of the spinal is that your BP (blood pressure) drops rapidly and makes you sick. This happened to me and it's a natural response that your body has.
The cool thing about a C-Section is that you are awake and alert the whole time. Which sounds kind of scary (or at least it did to me); however, it wasn't scary at all because that's how amazing the staff is. There was a sheet up so I couldn't see my insides on the outside and Johnathan got to be in the room with me. I know I say this all the time, but I have the best husband. I know (because I've been married to him for 6 and with him for 8 years) that he was scared to death. You can tell because he overly tries to hide it, but he was a champ. He held my hand the entire time. The staff kept me calm and we actually talked about normal things like traveling and the nursery. I honestly was calm and not scared the whole time because of them. Finally, the time came where they told Johnathan he could look and get a few pictures of our son. And when I heard my sweet baby boy's first cry, I started crying and said "That's my son."
This is the moment we've been praying for for six years. This is the moment I had almost given up hope on. This is the moment that I worked so hard for. This is the moment that my heart was overfilled with such joy and I knew that God had answered my prayers. "For this child, we have prayed and the Lord has granted me what I have asked of Him." 1 Samuel 1:27. Below are some pictures.
Daddy in his surgery greens! |
See, Daddy kept Mommy calm the entire time. |
This was the moment right after I heard his cry. |
Mommy & John Patrick's first picture! |
The Mullers' first family picture! |
After surgery, the OB nurses take the baby and clean him off. As you see, I did get a few moments with him before they took him to be weighed and to get his APGAR score (which was 9 btw). I got to stay in the room with the surgery team to get me closed up and ready for the next step. Johnathan got to go with the baby while he was cleaned and weighed and everything. Again, pictures below (just a few).
So, Dr. Henslee is AMAZING. While we closed me up, I was already itching to get my arms around my little one. I'm sure he knew it because again we kept conversation going while he worked to keep my nerves in check. He is an amazing physician and I'm so glad we chose him for our care. I cannot imagine this experience without him and truly believe I got the best care available!
After I was closed up, I was sent to the recovery room where I was monitored for my BP and fluids. These fluids. Ugghhhhh. I've never been one who could get fluids in properly so I had to play catch up. I wasn't in there long for real, but it felt like an eternity because I wanted to hold my baby. FINALLY, I was released to go to my room so I can hold my precious baby boy.
They brought him into me and he is so tiny. He has tiny hands and tiny feet. He is, in my completely bias opinion, the most beautiful baby in the world. I got a few minutes with him before the grandparents got to come in for a few minutes. Then, it was time to get the baby to breast. I decided a long time ago that breastfeeding is the way to go. It's best for the baby and it's economical. We are calling breast feeding "num nums" because I don't want my son to ask me in public for the boob. So, giving John Patrick num nums is not as easy as I thought it would be. I've read how natural it is and it is a natural and beautiful thing that God has given me as a woman the ability to do; however, it's a learning experience. I had to learn what he likes, like how to be held and the position that he likes me to be in and he had to learn how to latch and work for it. It's been quite the learning experience for all three of us.
That first night was pretty rough. He was up every 15 or 30 minutes wanting num nums. I was getting frustrated and discouraged and felt like I wasn't giving him what he needed. Finally, at like 4 am, the nurse came in and told me they were taking him for his bath and to be weighed and for me to get some rest while he was gone. Which I did because, it had been a long eventful night for all three of us. Then, the nurse came back in. And my son had lost 5.38% of his body weight. It's normal for babies to lose weight after birth, but anything 6% and over requires a new plan. The nurse suggested that we start supplementing formula. I felt (and still kinda feel) like a failure. He was nursing pretty much all night long! And still wasn't getting what he needed from me and that was my most important job which was to provide for him. So, we started supplementing with formula. We breastfeed first and then give him a little formula and then I pump to give him a little extra milk before the formula. It's not what we planned but it's what is best for my son. Once we started doing that, he started sleeping better. The next night, he would have slept through the night if we hadn't made him get up and eat every 2-3 hours. He also gained weight back and is happy and healthy and that's what is most important.
The next morning, they got me up and I started walking. I've had abdominal surgery before and I knew the key to my ticket home would be proving that I could get up and walk. I walked three laps that first morning. I'm a boss! And I know it. LOL! It hurt. Dumb me, thought the pain would resemble the pain from the WLS. Boy, was I WRONG!! It's much much worse. It hurts to stand and hurts to sit down. I tried to be a champ and not use the pain meds. I was slowly trying to wean myself off of them. I didn't want to rely on them to go home. So, I went almost the whole day not asking for any. That night, I went to the bathroom and started shaking like I had the chills. I immediately started to panic because I thought it was fever and fever is a sign of infection. Johnathan got the nurse who came in with 2 pain pills and checked my temp. Of course there was no fever. A natural response to pain is that your body convulses. I got a very long lecture from both my nurse and physician about how it's easier to stay ahead of the pain game than it is to catch up with it after a major surgery. So, lesson learned there. I won't get an award for not asking for pain meds. I won't heal faster without them. I just suffer.
Finally, we got to go home. I will just tell you that it's been wonderful. Our prayers were answered in that we have a happy healthy addition to the Muller family. It's been wonderful. We've been trying to get the baby on a routine and I think we do a pretty good job of it. At night, he will sleep until about 5 minutes before my alarm goes off to get him up to eat. He really only cries if he's hungry, muddy or wants Mommy to hold the soothie in his mouth. He is precious. He is amazing. He is the best gift that God has given to me second to my salvation. Johnathan and I could not be happier. We are on cloud 9 and loving every minute we have with this baby boy. Enjoy some more pictures :)
So, what's next for the Mullers and the blog? We are going back to weight loss. I gained 34 pounds with this pregnancy. It was a healthy pregnancy and that weight gain was in the normal range. Since the delivery, I've lost 17 of those pounds. So, I am 66 pounds away from my target weight and I'm going to work to get there. I want to be as healthy as possible so #1 I don't get back up to 345 pounds, #2 I can be an example to my son, and #3 we can repeat this process in 2,3 or 4 years. As soon as I am released to go back to exercising, we will start with the menus and weekly posting of weight loss and recipes. I also want to advocate for breastfeeding and other parental topics.
I also want to take the moment to thank each and everyone of you. Your gifts, flowers, messages, calls, texts, visits, prayers and thoughts were not unappreciated and were definitely needed. A large part of this journey depended on you and your kindness. We could not have done it without you. We thank you and love you more than you know!
Prayer requests are that you continue to pray for our family. Pray that we get some rest. Johnathan and I both are bad about getting up and making sure that he's still breathing. Prayers that I get back on track to healthy eating and living and we continue to live that lifestyle not just for the weight loss but for healthy lifestyle.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Moments with the Mullers: This could be our last blog before he gets here!
Moments with the Mullers: This could be our last blog before he gets here!: Wanna know something surreal? My C-Section is scheduled for 7 days from now. This time next week we will be kissing our baby boy's cheek...
This could be our last blog before he gets here!
Wanna know something surreal? My C-Section is scheduled for 7 days from now. This time next week we will be kissing our baby boy's cheeks and swaddling him and showering him with so much love! I can't believe it! While this last week has felt like an eternity, this really has gone by. I honestly feel like I'm going to miss feeling him wriggling around in there (even though I've been complaining about him hurting my ribs and making it difficult to breathe). I'm going to miss him and those little movements that make me smile (or grimace depending on where he kicks or rolls).
A new fear has set in. Am I ready? I've been praying for this moment for so long and now I'm scared that I won't be good at it. There so much I've not been around. What do I if he has a fever? How do I deal with the circumcision? What about the belly button/umbilical cord business? What about earaches? How do you know it's an earache? What's normal for baby pooping? What's not normal? There's so much I'm not sure how to handle and fear I won't know until I have to handle it. I worry about being a good mother. Should I hold him every time he cries? Do I give a little tough love? How much should he nap? Do I wake him up to nurse? Will I be a good mother? How do you know? I'm starting to get a little anxiety about it all.
I'm also a little scared about the C-Section. I'm honest about being a wuss when it comes to pain. I know it won't hurt during the procedure. Believe me that I have been prepped on what to expect during the procedure. What I'm worried about is the pain after the pain medicine wears off. I'm worried something will go wrong. I'm worried about post pardum depression. There's so much to worry about and it has hit me all of a sudden!
Thank you God for my husband! I wouldn't make it through this anxiety and time without him I wouldn't be able to make it. He's been my rock through all this. He's listened to me whine and complain. He's done the honey-do lists without complaint. He's tolerated the constant hungriness and hangriness. He's tried to deal with my tossing and turning (he usually just sleeps through it). He's an amazing husband. I don't deserve this blessing that God has given me. He's going to be an even better daddy. I can't wait to see how amazing he's going to be!
So, this past week we've really just rested. We are just gearing up for the baby and trying to rest while I can. It's not really easy to rest though. IT IS SO HOT! You know that joke that Satan called and he wants his weather back. I feel like that ALL time. Even in my house and I have the thermostat set on like 68 degrees. Also, a new symptom is that I feel like I can't breathe or catch my breathe. He's growing bigger and pressing up against my organs including my intestines and lungs! Well, he is the size of a pumpkin. A pumpkin! Finally a food that I can recognize! I really do feel like I have pumpkin in my uterus! He's about 7 pounds and 21 inches long. This week he's finishing up his final growing especially his lungs. He's also shedding the wax coating on his skin and shedding the hair that covers his skin. He's gearing up for his big debut!
Just a warning, the full moon starts on Friday. Now, say what you will, but statistics do show that more babies are born on the full moon! Who knows John Patrick may say to heck with the plan, he's ready to see Mommy. BUT, we want him to stay in there until Monday at least when Dr. Henslee returns.
On Sunday, we sent the church and kids off to church camp. This is the first year that Johnathan and I have missed since we've been married. It's highly depressing. I miss it. I know it's best that I stay out of the heat and try not wear myself out to get ready for this miracle to arrive. But, I'm highly upset that I missing this time to just speak a week and focus on God and spend with my family (since my family goes). I miss the Icee's and the kids and the food. My brother and my Nana thought it would be appropriate to text me that today is Indian Taco Day and I MISSED IT! I'm so bummed. I'm missing Bro. Vern bringing the message. Again, it's best, but it doesn't make it any easier. You can tell in the below bump picture that I'm not very happy. I miss it. Even getting up at the crack of dawn!
Prayers for this week include praying for my car situation. The AC is out and we only have limited days to decide what do about it. Also, prayers for peace as I try to get as much rest as possible these next 7 days (EEK! only 7!). Prayers for Johnathan as he has to deal with all my whining and griping and obsessing over every little detail.
So, next week, I probably won't be updating the blog; however, I'm sure you will see plenty of pictures of our little Deere! Stay tuned! Prayers are being answered!
A new fear has set in. Am I ready? I've been praying for this moment for so long and now I'm scared that I won't be good at it. There so much I've not been around. What do I if he has a fever? How do I deal with the circumcision? What about the belly button/umbilical cord business? What about earaches? How do you know it's an earache? What's normal for baby pooping? What's not normal? There's so much I'm not sure how to handle and fear I won't know until I have to handle it. I worry about being a good mother. Should I hold him every time he cries? Do I give a little tough love? How much should he nap? Do I wake him up to nurse? Will I be a good mother? How do you know? I'm starting to get a little anxiety about it all.
I'm also a little scared about the C-Section. I'm honest about being a wuss when it comes to pain. I know it won't hurt during the procedure. Believe me that I have been prepped on what to expect during the procedure. What I'm worried about is the pain after the pain medicine wears off. I'm worried something will go wrong. I'm worried about post pardum depression. There's so much to worry about and it has hit me all of a sudden!
Thank you God for my husband! I wouldn't make it through this anxiety and time without him I wouldn't be able to make it. He's been my rock through all this. He's listened to me whine and complain. He's done the honey-do lists without complaint. He's tolerated the constant hungriness and hangriness. He's tried to deal with my tossing and turning (he usually just sleeps through it). He's an amazing husband. I don't deserve this blessing that God has given me. He's going to be an even better daddy. I can't wait to see how amazing he's going to be!
So, this past week we've really just rested. We are just gearing up for the baby and trying to rest while I can. It's not really easy to rest though. IT IS SO HOT! You know that joke that Satan called and he wants his weather back. I feel like that ALL time. Even in my house and I have the thermostat set on like 68 degrees. Also, a new symptom is that I feel like I can't breathe or catch my breathe. He's growing bigger and pressing up against my organs including my intestines and lungs! Well, he is the size of a pumpkin. A pumpkin! Finally a food that I can recognize! I really do feel like I have pumpkin in my uterus! He's about 7 pounds and 21 inches long. This week he's finishing up his final growing especially his lungs. He's also shedding the wax coating on his skin and shedding the hair that covers his skin. He's gearing up for his big debut!
Just a warning, the full moon starts on Friday. Now, say what you will, but statistics do show that more babies are born on the full moon! Who knows John Patrick may say to heck with the plan, he's ready to see Mommy. BUT, we want him to stay in there until Monday at least when Dr. Henslee returns.
On Sunday, we sent the church and kids off to church camp. This is the first year that Johnathan and I have missed since we've been married. It's highly depressing. I miss it. I know it's best that I stay out of the heat and try not wear myself out to get ready for this miracle to arrive. But, I'm highly upset that I missing this time to just speak a week and focus on God and spend with my family (since my family goes). I miss the Icee's and the kids and the food. My brother and my Nana thought it would be appropriate to text me that today is Indian Taco Day and I MISSED IT! I'm so bummed. I'm missing Bro. Vern bringing the message. Again, it's best, but it doesn't make it any easier. You can tell in the below bump picture that I'm not very happy. I miss it. Even getting up at the crack of dawn!
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36 Weeks! |
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37 Weeks (Look at Crimson, He KNOWS something is about to change. Poor baby. |
Prayers for this week include praying for my car situation. The AC is out and we only have limited days to decide what do about it. Also, prayers for peace as I try to get as much rest as possible these next 7 days (EEK! only 7!). Prayers for Johnathan as he has to deal with all my whining and griping and obsessing over every little detail.
So, next week, I probably won't be updating the blog; however, I'm sure you will see plenty of pictures of our little Deere! Stay tuned! Prayers are being answered!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Moments with the Mullers: Full Term!! He's going to be here Soon! Is this re...
Moments with the Mullers: Full Term!! He's going to be here Soon! Is this re...: Here we are at 37 weeks! John Patrick is the size of a Winter Melon. He weighs 6lbs 8ounces and is roughly 20 inches long! He is practicing ...
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