We're home from vacay! It was a blast! Wet, but a blast! I started out my vacation with a prenatal massage. It was a gift from my wonderful, brilliant, caring husband. It was sooooo relaxing and actually helped with the lower back pain. The pelvic pain is still going strong, but I was so relaxed. It was the perfect way to start a family vacation! The cabin was beautiful. Heartpine Hollow always has beautiful cabins that are so wonderful. Wanna great vacation, check out www.heartpinehollow.com. You won't regret it. I had some hot tub time and got to try out my maternity swimsuit in the hot tub. I only got 15 minutes at a time, but I LOVED every second of it. We ate pizza at Grateful Head which by the way is the BEST pizza every. I recommend the Pig Pen. It's a triple layer of pepperoni! We went into the winery. Let me clarify this. I went in to get a gift for a dear friend of mine. I stayed farrrr away from the bar and I also didn't buy any of the alcohol products. But I got the dirtiest looks you could imagine. It made me feel guilty for even being in there! Again, I did NOT have any wine products or buy any wine products. We also ate at my favorite restaurant in Hochatown: Abendigos. They have the best steak and creme brulee. It is always wonderful. And the Sicilian nachos...yummmmmm...it's making me hungry just thinking about it. The last night we were there we had a cookout. The rain let up long enough to make a campfire and grill out burgers and brats and s'mores. The best part of the trip? Spending time with my family. Family has always meant the most to me. My brother is one of my best friends. He's the one I go first (after Johnathan of course) with good news, the one I gripe to about horrible things, and the one I lean on in hard times. Next to my husband, he's my best friend. This trip was great because we weren't on the go the whole time. We spent lots just us time together. It was wonderful. I honestly cannot wait for John Patrick to get here so that our little family outings can include this precious little boy. He's already loved so much more than he can ever imagine by his family. All of them: The Mullers, The Moores, The Latimers, and The Gilliams. He's one blessed little boy.
Here's this week's bump picture complete with the vacation glow!
27 Weeks |
28 Weeks |
We came home Monday, but took Tuesday off. I scheduled our 3D ultrasound on this day. We got up and headed to Muskogee. My son has begun to hate being in the car. He hates being cramped up in there. I'm fortunate to have a long torso and he's had all this room so far, but the walls are starting to cave in on his little nest. And he sure loves to let me know. He will kick me until I move to give him a little more room. We get to the place and get on the table and of course, my son will NOT cooperate with the ultrasound tech. He hated the probe or whatever it's called. The images are a little blurry, but it's still my son and he's gorgeous. He just smiled in almost every shot. In the ones he's not smiling, he was sucking his fingers. We most definitely need pacifiers because I have a thumb or finger sucker on my hand. I have a feeling he's going to be such a happy baby. This 3D ultrasound just showed us that he's smiling. Here are a few of the shots.
Look at that sweet smile! |
Chubby Cheeks and Big Lips: Watch out Ladies! |
He's so sweet already |
This is one of our favorites. A half smile and laying on his tiny hands. |
This one he looks like he's winking at us and laughing! |
Another one of that sweet smile! |
Speaking of smiling, it's something he's picked up this week. He's 29 weeks this week. He's the size of a large head of cabbage which is 17 inches and 2.9 pounds. The websites say that I should notice his personality this week and if the 3D ultrasound wasn't enough, the websites encourages play time with baby. I know what you are saying, how can you play with a baby in the womb? Well, I run my fingers over my belly like "Thing" in Addams family. And he will follow with kicks. He's playing a game. I honestly believe that we are playing a game. This week he's also focusing on adding on the pounds. He should double or triple his weight the next 11 weeks. He's growing and we've got about 11 more weeks of it to go!
Next week, we have an OB appointment. It's a routine appointment and then we also have the Specialist appointment where we will get specifics on the baby, make sure nothing is wrong, get his actual size and establish ourselves with a high risk doctor just in case. So prayers are appreciated. I'm worried. I always am. I'm worried this baby is going to be a record breaker weight wise or something else I'm not anticipating.
Again, thank you all for reading and in advance for your prayers! We do love you all and appreciate all of the kind words, prayers and encouragement!
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