While we are the subject of hearing things outside of me, I have been pondering about how I speak and the things that I say. One thing I read last week was that John Patrick can pick up on my feelings and that they affect him. When I'm stressed out, he's stressed out. When I'm yelling and crying and upset, it upsets him. Now that he can hear everything, we are going to watch not only what we say, but how we say it. I'm also going to start playing classical music...a lot of it. I researched it and while scientists and researchers cannot agree about whether or not classical music played while the baby is in the womb makes the baby smarter, I also don't believe that it can hurt the baby either. There are studies are show that music played while in the womb can be soothing once the baby is born, I would rather that music be Bach or Vivaldi versus Lil' John (which I listened to a few days ago) or Nicki Minaj (which I actually loathe). I might be labeled as one of "those moms," but the bottom line is that I want a healthy environment for my little Deere and that includes a positive nurturing and educational environment that begins in the womb.
We spent part of the week last week with Rylee. We went to her soccer game. I am so proud of this little girl. While we watched her, I couldn't help but to think about the role that my cousins have played in my lifetime. Maryah is one of my very best friends and has been since the moment she was born and there is about 7 years difference between us. Other cousins, like Lacy and Tasha were some of my best friends in junior high and high school. There were some older cousins that I aspired to be like, like Emily and Breuhn. Family was a HUGE part of my life and I want the same for John Patrick. He has Rylee, Kainan, Knox, Jasper,Danny Joe, Tyler, Aiden, and Juliana to be his best friends and bigger cousins like Skyler, Dillon, Amy, Joseph, Beth and all of those Muller cousins (there are wayyyy to many to count) to look up to and learn. Johnathan and I really value our families and love that we are bringing another little member into each and everyone of our large, loving, God-given families.
So, doctor's appointment yesterday. It went really well. I have finally put on some weight... I feel it's too much but the doctor assures me I'm right on track and at least I'm gaining and not losing. I did express my disgust in the weight gain number and he literally told me that I look great and that most if not all of the gain has been in my belly and to quit worrying about it (HA!!!). We also talked a little about my birth plan. Yes, I have one. I got it from the bump.com and he is interested in seeing it next time so we can talk about it. He's quite pleased which makes me a little pleased. When it came time to hear the heartbeat, I warned him that John Patrick was being quite active. As soon as he put the doppler down, John Patrick kicked :). It kinda of shocked him because he could feel it. But that's my boy. He can kick pretty hard or what I think is hard. I'm convinced we have a little football star growing in there!!
Enjoy the bump pictures this week! Next week we will journey through time at four week intervals!
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21 Weeks |
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22 Weeks |
So prayers for this week is just for continued prayers for such a wonderful pregnancy. I really am loving it at this moment.
I know I say this every week, but thank you so much for your prayers and continued wonderful comments! They make me feel good about myself and gives us encouragement! We love talking about John Patrick and your kind words and prayers light up our day!
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