I know it's been a few weeks since my last update. Life has been outrageously crazy. But we LOVE it!
This week we are 25 weeks. John Patrick is the size of a Rutabaga which is roughly 12.5 inches long and weighs 1.5 pounds. He is enjoying the sense of equilibrium because he now knows which way is up and which way is down. He's growing more fat and more hair too. (And so is Mommy, ugghhhh!)
So, on the list of things to do this week it says "it's probably dawned on you that you'll soon have to actually deliver this baby." And yes, this has dawned on me. We have 104 days until he gets here. I feel like we have soooooo much to do. I have to get this house under control. We have been working on the nursery little by little but we are NO where near where I would like to be. Plus, the rest of the house. We've been moving things and going through things and moving things and deciding to sell thing and my house is in complete DISARRAY! It's driving me crazy! So, we are having a family garage sale this weekend. My junk can become your next treasure. So, come by and buy some clothes, home items, hot rollers, shoes, purses, etc... so I can get my house in order. PLEASE!!
The coolest thing that happened this week was that I can now see the baby move. My belly has kind of an earthquake. This is crazy but I worried this wouldn't happen. I was told by someone who was bigger than since I am bigger that #1. I wouldn't show and #2. We would never see the baby move and I might not be able to feel him. Well, that person was wrong. When will I learn that every woman and every pregnancy is different. I also need to learn that I'm not 345 pounds. I'm a different person and my body works different because I'm showing and I can feel and see him move. This is magical part of pregnancy. These kicks which aren't so small any more and they are worth every minute of nausea that I had and every back pain and every minute of exhaustion.
Speaking of symptoms, the nausea is back. I was warned it would rear it's ugly head again in the 3rd trimester. I thought for sure that I had three more weeks of no nausea and no symptoms.... I was wrong. Every time I eat and sometimes when I drink, I feel I'm going to blow. And the back pain is starting to get to me. And the exhaustion, a trip to WalMart is physically and mentally exhausting. I have to prep myself for it. #1. So I don't punch out the idiots that we all know live there! #2. I have a snack so I don't buy the whole freaking store because even though I get sick when I eat, I still want to eat. Mainly mashed potatoes and ice cream, but still. #3. So I don't pass out in the store from exhaustion which has almost happened three different times. Have a mentioned that not the entire pregnancy is magical?! But it's worth it and we can't wait to actually meet our little Man Cub!
I promised pictures growing through the pregnancy. I have to admit this depressed me. This is so psychological in that I was finally used to not having a belly to BAM! BELLY! and I feel HUGE. HUGE. I know I have 15 weeks left to go so it's only going to double or even triple in size, but that doesn't make me feel better about it. I've been talking to people and I was 345 pounds. This weight gain feels different. I feel like I'm carrying a bowling ball in my uterus. Some days, especially if I need to pee, he feels HEAVY. It doesn't feel the same way that 345 pounds felt. I don't know why it feels that way except that when I was 345 pounds, the weight was evenly distributed. Now, it's all in my belly and some days my balance is off and now the back pain and shoulder pain because I have something I never had before and it's causing shoulder pain. So, do me a favor, don't tell me how small I am. It only makes me think that I'm bigger than what I think and you are just being nice. Tell me that I'm glowing and that you've never seen me smile so much because no matter what at the end of the day, I love this pregnancy thing. It has it's ups and downs, but I love the thought that I'm growing our baby in there. I'm growing mine and Johnathan's gift from God and that makes me happy. Our prayers have been answered and he's truly a gift.
Before Pregnancy |
4 Weeks |
10 Weeks |
12 Weeks |
16 Weeks |
20 Weeks |
23 Weeks (My favorite FYI) |
24 Weeks |
Also, a reminder. I need your addresses for the baby showers! We have 3 planned. One is for work and that is at the end of May. One for the Mullers, June 13th in Duncan and one for everyone else which is June 6th at Hillcrest Baptist Church. Invites are going out! We are sooo excited to share this moment with all of you!
So, in closing, we can always use prayers. Pray that he keeps growing and that things go healthy. Pray I find some peace about getting things ready for his arrival because I am honestly stressing about it. I mean to the point where I wake up in the middle of the night thinking of more stuff I have to do and buy for this baby to prepare for his arrival.
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