Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Moments with the Mullers: 25 Weeks! Only 104 Days til John Patrick makes his...
Moments with the Mullers: 25 Weeks! Only 104 Days til John Patrick makes his...: I know it's been a few weeks since my last update. Life has been outrageously crazy. But we LOVE it! This week we are 25 weeks. John P...
25 Weeks! Only 104 Days til John Patrick makes his appearance!!
I know it's been a few weeks since my last update. Life has been outrageously crazy. But we LOVE it!
This week we are 25 weeks. John Patrick is the size of a Rutabaga which is roughly 12.5 inches long and weighs 1.5 pounds. He is enjoying the sense of equilibrium because he now knows which way is up and which way is down. He's growing more fat and more hair too. (And so is Mommy, ugghhhh!)
So, on the list of things to do this week it says "it's probably dawned on you that you'll soon have to actually deliver this baby." And yes, this has dawned on me. We have 104 days until he gets here. I feel like we have soooooo much to do. I have to get this house under control. We have been working on the nursery little by little but we are NO where near where I would like to be. Plus, the rest of the house. We've been moving things and going through things and moving things and deciding to sell thing and my house is in complete DISARRAY! It's driving me crazy! So, we are having a family garage sale this weekend. My junk can become your next treasure. So, come by and buy some clothes, home items, hot rollers, shoes, purses, etc... so I can get my house in order. PLEASE!!
The coolest thing that happened this week was that I can now see the baby move. My belly has kind of an earthquake. This is crazy but I worried this wouldn't happen. I was told by someone who was bigger than since I am bigger that #1. I wouldn't show and #2. We would never see the baby move and I might not be able to feel him. Well, that person was wrong. When will I learn that every woman and every pregnancy is different. I also need to learn that I'm not 345 pounds. I'm a different person and my body works different because I'm showing and I can feel and see him move. This is magical part of pregnancy. These kicks which aren't so small any more and they are worth every minute of nausea that I had and every back pain and every minute of exhaustion.
Speaking of symptoms, the nausea is back. I was warned it would rear it's ugly head again in the 3rd trimester. I thought for sure that I had three more weeks of no nausea and no symptoms.... I was wrong. Every time I eat and sometimes when I drink, I feel I'm going to blow. And the back pain is starting to get to me. And the exhaustion, a trip to WalMart is physically and mentally exhausting. I have to prep myself for it. #1. So I don't punch out the idiots that we all know live there! #2. I have a snack so I don't buy the whole freaking store because even though I get sick when I eat, I still want to eat. Mainly mashed potatoes and ice cream, but still. #3. So I don't pass out in the store from exhaustion which has almost happened three different times. Have a mentioned that not the entire pregnancy is magical?! But it's worth it and we can't wait to actually meet our little Man Cub!
I promised pictures growing through the pregnancy. I have to admit this depressed me. This is so psychological in that I was finally used to not having a belly to BAM! BELLY! and I feel HUGE. HUGE. I know I have 15 weeks left to go so it's only going to double or even triple in size, but that doesn't make me feel better about it. I've been talking to people and I was 345 pounds. This weight gain feels different. I feel like I'm carrying a bowling ball in my uterus. Some days, especially if I need to pee, he feels HEAVY. It doesn't feel the same way that 345 pounds felt. I don't know why it feels that way except that when I was 345 pounds, the weight was evenly distributed. Now, it's all in my belly and some days my balance is off and now the back pain and shoulder pain because I have something I never had before and it's causing shoulder pain. So, do me a favor, don't tell me how small I am. It only makes me think that I'm bigger than what I think and you are just being nice. Tell me that I'm glowing and that you've never seen me smile so much because no matter what at the end of the day, I love this pregnancy thing. It has it's ups and downs, but I love the thought that I'm growing our baby in there. I'm growing mine and Johnathan's gift from God and that makes me happy. Our prayers have been answered and he's truly a gift.
Also, a reminder. I need your addresses for the baby showers! We have 3 planned. One is for work and that is at the end of May. One for the Mullers, June 13th in Duncan and one for everyone else which is June 6th at Hillcrest Baptist Church. Invites are going out! We are sooo excited to share this moment with all of you!
So, in closing, we can always use prayers. Pray that he keeps growing and that things go healthy. Pray I find some peace about getting things ready for his arrival because I am honestly stressing about it. I mean to the point where I wake up in the middle of the night thinking of more stuff I have to do and buy for this baby to prepare for his arrival.
This week we are 25 weeks. John Patrick is the size of a Rutabaga which is roughly 12.5 inches long and weighs 1.5 pounds. He is enjoying the sense of equilibrium because he now knows which way is up and which way is down. He's growing more fat and more hair too. (And so is Mommy, ugghhhh!)
So, on the list of things to do this week it says "it's probably dawned on you that you'll soon have to actually deliver this baby." And yes, this has dawned on me. We have 104 days until he gets here. I feel like we have soooooo much to do. I have to get this house under control. We have been working on the nursery little by little but we are NO where near where I would like to be. Plus, the rest of the house. We've been moving things and going through things and moving things and deciding to sell thing and my house is in complete DISARRAY! It's driving me crazy! So, we are having a family garage sale this weekend. My junk can become your next treasure. So, come by and buy some clothes, home items, hot rollers, shoes, purses, etc... so I can get my house in order. PLEASE!!
The coolest thing that happened this week was that I can now see the baby move. My belly has kind of an earthquake. This is crazy but I worried this wouldn't happen. I was told by someone who was bigger than since I am bigger that #1. I wouldn't show and #2. We would never see the baby move and I might not be able to feel him. Well, that person was wrong. When will I learn that every woman and every pregnancy is different. I also need to learn that I'm not 345 pounds. I'm a different person and my body works different because I'm showing and I can feel and see him move. This is magical part of pregnancy. These kicks which aren't so small any more and they are worth every minute of nausea that I had and every back pain and every minute of exhaustion.
Speaking of symptoms, the nausea is back. I was warned it would rear it's ugly head again in the 3rd trimester. I thought for sure that I had three more weeks of no nausea and no symptoms.... I was wrong. Every time I eat and sometimes when I drink, I feel I'm going to blow. And the back pain is starting to get to me. And the exhaustion, a trip to WalMart is physically and mentally exhausting. I have to prep myself for it. #1. So I don't punch out the idiots that we all know live there! #2. I have a snack so I don't buy the whole freaking store because even though I get sick when I eat, I still want to eat. Mainly mashed potatoes and ice cream, but still. #3. So I don't pass out in the store from exhaustion which has almost happened three different times. Have a mentioned that not the entire pregnancy is magical?! But it's worth it and we can't wait to actually meet our little Man Cub!
I promised pictures growing through the pregnancy. I have to admit this depressed me. This is so psychological in that I was finally used to not having a belly to BAM! BELLY! and I feel HUGE. HUGE. I know I have 15 weeks left to go so it's only going to double or even triple in size, but that doesn't make me feel better about it. I've been talking to people and I was 345 pounds. This weight gain feels different. I feel like I'm carrying a bowling ball in my uterus. Some days, especially if I need to pee, he feels HEAVY. It doesn't feel the same way that 345 pounds felt. I don't know why it feels that way except that when I was 345 pounds, the weight was evenly distributed. Now, it's all in my belly and some days my balance is off and now the back pain and shoulder pain because I have something I never had before and it's causing shoulder pain. So, do me a favor, don't tell me how small I am. It only makes me think that I'm bigger than what I think and you are just being nice. Tell me that I'm glowing and that you've never seen me smile so much because no matter what at the end of the day, I love this pregnancy thing. It has it's ups and downs, but I love the thought that I'm growing our baby in there. I'm growing mine and Johnathan's gift from God and that makes me happy. Our prayers have been answered and he's truly a gift.
Before Pregnancy |
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4 Weeks |
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10 Weeks |
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12 Weeks |
16 Weeks |
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20 Weeks |
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23 Weeks (My favorite FYI) |
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24 Weeks |
Also, a reminder. I need your addresses for the baby showers! We have 3 planned. One is for work and that is at the end of May. One for the Mullers, June 13th in Duncan and one for everyone else which is June 6th at Hillcrest Baptist Church. Invites are going out! We are sooo excited to share this moment with all of you!
So, in closing, we can always use prayers. Pray that he keeps growing and that things go healthy. Pray I find some peace about getting things ready for his arrival because I am honestly stressing about it. I mean to the point where I wake up in the middle of the night thinking of more stuff I have to do and buy for this baby to prepare for his arrival.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Moments with the Mullers: Does he hear what I hear?
Moments with the Mullers: Does he hear what I hear?: So, this week we've made it to 23 weeks. They say he is the size of a grapefruit and give the measurements of 12 inches and weight of 1....
Does he hear what I hear?
So, this week we've made it to 23 weeks. They say he is the size of a grapefruit and give the measurements of 12 inches and weight of 1.2 pounds. However, how many of you have seen a grapefruit that is more than a foot in diameter and weighs 1.2 pounds?! Anyways, that is not the point. He is growing and is about a foot long and weighs 1.2 pounds. This week his wee nipples are forming. I found that to be a weird fact. His face is now fully formed. He just needs to have a little fat to fill it out. He can hear sounds outside of the womb including daddy's voice :) and Crimson barking. He is growing! And we can't wait for him to get here! Just a little while longer in the oven!
While we are the subject of hearing things outside of me, I have been pondering about how I speak and the things that I say. One thing I read last week was that John Patrick can pick up on my feelings and that they affect him. When I'm stressed out, he's stressed out. When I'm yelling and crying and upset, it upsets him. Now that he can hear everything, we are going to watch not only what we say, but how we say it. I'm also going to start playing classical music...a lot of it. I researched it and while scientists and researchers cannot agree about whether or not classical music played while the baby is in the womb makes the baby smarter, I also don't believe that it can hurt the baby either. There are studies are show that music played while in the womb can be soothing once the baby is born, I would rather that music be Bach or Vivaldi versus Lil' John (which I listened to a few days ago) or Nicki Minaj (which I actually loathe). I might be labeled as one of "those moms," but the bottom line is that I want a healthy environment for my little Deere and that includes a positive nurturing and educational environment that begins in the womb.
We spent part of the week last week with Rylee. We went to her soccer game. I am so proud of this little girl. While we watched her, I couldn't help but to think about the role that my cousins have played in my lifetime. Maryah is one of my very best friends and has been since the moment she was born and there is about 7 years difference between us. Other cousins, like Lacy and Tasha were some of my best friends in junior high and high school. There were some older cousins that I aspired to be like, like Emily and Breuhn. Family was a HUGE part of my life and I want the same for John Patrick. He has Rylee, Kainan, Knox, Jasper,Danny Joe, Tyler, Aiden, and Juliana to be his best friends and bigger cousins like Skyler, Dillon, Amy, Joseph, Beth and all of those Muller cousins (there are wayyyy to many to count) to look up to and learn. Johnathan and I really value our families and love that we are bringing another little member into each and everyone of our large, loving, God-given families.
So, doctor's appointment yesterday. It went really well. I have finally put on some weight... I feel it's too much but the doctor assures me I'm right on track and at least I'm gaining and not losing. I did express my disgust in the weight gain number and he literally told me that I look great and that most if not all of the gain has been in my belly and to quit worrying about it (HA!!!). We also talked a little about my birth plan. Yes, I have one. I got it from the bump.com and he is interested in seeing it next time so we can talk about it. He's quite pleased which makes me a little pleased. When it came time to hear the heartbeat, I warned him that John Patrick was being quite active. As soon as he put the doppler down, John Patrick kicked :). It kinda of shocked him because he could feel it. But that's my boy. He can kick pretty hard or what I think is hard. I'm convinced we have a little football star growing in there!!
Enjoy the bump pictures this week! Next week we will journey through time at four week intervals!
So prayers for this week is just for continued prayers for such a wonderful pregnancy. I really am loving it at this moment.
I know I say this every week, but thank you so much for your prayers and continued wonderful comments! They make me feel good about myself and gives us encouragement! We love talking about John Patrick and your kind words and prayers light up our day!
While we are the subject of hearing things outside of me, I have been pondering about how I speak and the things that I say. One thing I read last week was that John Patrick can pick up on my feelings and that they affect him. When I'm stressed out, he's stressed out. When I'm yelling and crying and upset, it upsets him. Now that he can hear everything, we are going to watch not only what we say, but how we say it. I'm also going to start playing classical music...a lot of it. I researched it and while scientists and researchers cannot agree about whether or not classical music played while the baby is in the womb makes the baby smarter, I also don't believe that it can hurt the baby either. There are studies are show that music played while in the womb can be soothing once the baby is born, I would rather that music be Bach or Vivaldi versus Lil' John (which I listened to a few days ago) or Nicki Minaj (which I actually loathe). I might be labeled as one of "those moms," but the bottom line is that I want a healthy environment for my little Deere and that includes a positive nurturing and educational environment that begins in the womb.
We spent part of the week last week with Rylee. We went to her soccer game. I am so proud of this little girl. While we watched her, I couldn't help but to think about the role that my cousins have played in my lifetime. Maryah is one of my very best friends and has been since the moment she was born and there is about 7 years difference between us. Other cousins, like Lacy and Tasha were some of my best friends in junior high and high school. There were some older cousins that I aspired to be like, like Emily and Breuhn. Family was a HUGE part of my life and I want the same for John Patrick. He has Rylee, Kainan, Knox, Jasper,Danny Joe, Tyler, Aiden, and Juliana to be his best friends and bigger cousins like Skyler, Dillon, Amy, Joseph, Beth and all of those Muller cousins (there are wayyyy to many to count) to look up to and learn. Johnathan and I really value our families and love that we are bringing another little member into each and everyone of our large, loving, God-given families.
So, doctor's appointment yesterday. It went really well. I have finally put on some weight... I feel it's too much but the doctor assures me I'm right on track and at least I'm gaining and not losing. I did express my disgust in the weight gain number and he literally told me that I look great and that most if not all of the gain has been in my belly and to quit worrying about it (HA!!!). We also talked a little about my birth plan. Yes, I have one. I got it from the bump.com and he is interested in seeing it next time so we can talk about it. He's quite pleased which makes me a little pleased. When it came time to hear the heartbeat, I warned him that John Patrick was being quite active. As soon as he put the doppler down, John Patrick kicked :). It kinda of shocked him because he could feel it. But that's my boy. He can kick pretty hard or what I think is hard. I'm convinced we have a little football star growing in there!!
Enjoy the bump pictures this week! Next week we will journey through time at four week intervals!
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21 Weeks |
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22 Weeks |
So prayers for this week is just for continued prayers for such a wonderful pregnancy. I really am loving it at this moment.
I know I say this every week, but thank you so much for your prayers and continued wonderful comments! They make me feel good about myself and gives us encouragement! We love talking about John Patrick and your kind words and prayers light up our day!
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Moments with the Mullers: We have a one pounder!
Moments with the Mullers: We have a one pounder!: We've made it to 22 Weeks! John Patrick is the size of a Papaya. That's 11 inches and he weighs ONE whole pound! A whole pound! I ...
We have a one pounder!
We've made it to 22 Weeks!
John Patrick is the size of a Papaya. That's 11 inches and he weighs ONE whole pound! A whole pound! I swear, it's the little things in this pregnancy that amazes me. These little moments are sweet and are part of my smile nowadays. This week John Patrick has more developed eyes and lips making him look like a more handsome little man than just a fetus. He also has eyebrows and eyelashes and maybe a little hair on his head. He can also tell when it's light or dark outside. He is sleeping in 12-14 hour cycles and spending sometime listening to Mommy's voice and my heartbeat. He's getting bigger by the week and rightfully so because we are getting so much closer to him making his big appearance! I cannot wait to hold him and kiss his cheeks!
I feel like I have a smile tattooed constantly on my face. I know I've complained a lot about the nauseousness and sickness. I know I've complained a lot about the weight gain the "fat" look in my midsection, but since I've felt my little miracle move, I LOVE this. It's quite magical. I love knowing that I have a person growing in there. It's not false hope. It's not my imagination, it's a real live person and He's mine. So, if you see my with a dopey grin on my face and a hand on my belly, you'll know that my son is performing a circus act in the womb and that it makes me deliriously happy. And the same with Johnathan. You want to brighten his day? Ask him about his son. Ask to see his pictures. He is walking around with a bigger smile on his face because of this baby and I wish I could capture a moment when he feels the baby move. We are dopey happy and wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything in the world. We are blessed.
With this new-found wonder comes worry. Always worry with me. Because when he's not moving, I'm worried something is wrong. I know he's probably sleeping or in a position where I can't feel him, but it still makes me nervous. Today is a prime example. Yesterday, I felt like this kid must have been practicing his football skills in the womb, because he was moving so much. Today, he wasn't as active. So, what did I do? I went and got some orange juice. Good ol' orange juice. Finally, I got a few kicks out him and then in class tonight I was able to feel a few kicks. Not as many as yesterday, but enough to put this Mommy at ease.... for a minute or two.
I've also discovered the magic of a good nights sleep thanks to a pregnancy pillow. I might be addicted to having to sleep with it. It wraps around my belly and gives me support especially in my legs. One problem that I had after I lost all that weight, was when I slept on my side, my kneecap bones (I'm not sure what the scientific word for these are, and I really don't care) rubbed up against one another and was very uncomfortable. It has been two beautiful nights of sleep that I hope continues.
So, my bump photo this week is super cute. It's the first time I've felt like I looked pregnant. You can see the bump and my precious little miracle. It was a perfect picture on a Easter Sunday. It's beautiful. And you know what?! Pregnancy is beautiful. It's a gift from God to me to able to carry a child. It's a bond between my son and I that I can't share with anyone else. It is beautiful whether I've gained 4 pounds or 40 pounds. All pregnant women are beautiful and I truly believe that it's God grace shining through. That's what beautiful. I like to show the different weeks so you can see the growth. When we get to 24 weeks, I'll show you pre-pregnancy, 6, 12, 20 and 24 weeks to really show you how we've grown.
So, for this week, just continued prayers for us. We have a routine OB appointment on Monday so next week you'll get the details about that appointment.
Again, thank you all for your prayers, thoughts and encouraging words. It means so much to Johnathan and I to have family and friends like you who genuinely care for the Muller family. God bless you and yours this week!
John Patrick is the size of a Papaya. That's 11 inches and he weighs ONE whole pound! A whole pound! I swear, it's the little things in this pregnancy that amazes me. These little moments are sweet and are part of my smile nowadays. This week John Patrick has more developed eyes and lips making him look like a more handsome little man than just a fetus. He also has eyebrows and eyelashes and maybe a little hair on his head. He can also tell when it's light or dark outside. He is sleeping in 12-14 hour cycles and spending sometime listening to Mommy's voice and my heartbeat. He's getting bigger by the week and rightfully so because we are getting so much closer to him making his big appearance! I cannot wait to hold him and kiss his cheeks!
I feel like I have a smile tattooed constantly on my face. I know I've complained a lot about the nauseousness and sickness. I know I've complained a lot about the weight gain the "fat" look in my midsection, but since I've felt my little miracle move, I LOVE this. It's quite magical. I love knowing that I have a person growing in there. It's not false hope. It's not my imagination, it's a real live person and He's mine. So, if you see my with a dopey grin on my face and a hand on my belly, you'll know that my son is performing a circus act in the womb and that it makes me deliriously happy. And the same with Johnathan. You want to brighten his day? Ask him about his son. Ask to see his pictures. He is walking around with a bigger smile on his face because of this baby and I wish I could capture a moment when he feels the baby move. We are dopey happy and wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything in the world. We are blessed.
With this new-found wonder comes worry. Always worry with me. Because when he's not moving, I'm worried something is wrong. I know he's probably sleeping or in a position where I can't feel him, but it still makes me nervous. Today is a prime example. Yesterday, I felt like this kid must have been practicing his football skills in the womb, because he was moving so much. Today, he wasn't as active. So, what did I do? I went and got some orange juice. Good ol' orange juice. Finally, I got a few kicks out him and then in class tonight I was able to feel a few kicks. Not as many as yesterday, but enough to put this Mommy at ease.... for a minute or two.
I've also discovered the magic of a good nights sleep thanks to a pregnancy pillow. I might be addicted to having to sleep with it. It wraps around my belly and gives me support especially in my legs. One problem that I had after I lost all that weight, was when I slept on my side, my kneecap bones (I'm not sure what the scientific word for these are, and I really don't care) rubbed up against one another and was very uncomfortable. It has been two beautiful nights of sleep that I hope continues.
So, my bump photo this week is super cute. It's the first time I've felt like I looked pregnant. You can see the bump and my precious little miracle. It was a perfect picture on a Easter Sunday. It's beautiful. And you know what?! Pregnancy is beautiful. It's a gift from God to me to able to carry a child. It's a bond between my son and I that I can't share with anyone else. It is beautiful whether I've gained 4 pounds or 40 pounds. All pregnant women are beautiful and I truly believe that it's God grace shining through. That's what beautiful. I like to show the different weeks so you can see the growth. When we get to 24 weeks, I'll show you pre-pregnancy, 6, 12, 20 and 24 weeks to really show you how we've grown.
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20 Weeks |
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21 Weeks |
So, for this week, just continued prayers for us. We have a routine OB appointment on Monday so next week you'll get the details about that appointment.
Again, thank you all for your prayers, thoughts and encouraging words. It means so much to Johnathan and I to have family and friends like you who genuinely care for the Muller family. God bless you and yours this week!
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