This week my little Poppyseed is the size of a Mango. That's 6 inches and HALF A POUND! I have half a pound of baby cooking in there kids! This week the baby is developing a protective coating over the skin. It's called vernix caseosa. The point of this substance is to protect the skin from all of the juices and amniotic fluid. Imagine being in a bath for 9 months and what your skin looks like. That's why the baby has this stuff. The baby is also working on the 5 senses. Nerve cells are developing for the sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell. The baby is growing!
We also had a doctor's appointment this week. How much weight have I gained? -2 pounds. That's right peeps, I officially weigh less than when I did at the very first doctor's appointment. Should I be worried? No, I've had two bouts of the stomach flu and some extreme nausea issues. The doctor does want me up at least a pound by next time which is in four weeks. We heard a strong heartbeat and I was told everything is going good and normal. Yayyyyy!
I did crack the doctor up twice. The first time was when he asked about nausea. I told him that my vitamins and I aren't friends. He thought that was funny. I don't find it quite as funny but he did give me permission to have the B Complex and Gastric vitamins every other day instead of everyday in hopes that it's a compromise. The second time is when I asked if he was giving me orders for the glucose test. I'm not going to lie, the way I am with food nowadays, this test scares the crap out of me. I'm not excited about drinking something that was described to me as flat thick Fanta.... I know I will barf it up. Again, he laughed and told me to not get ahead of myself that I still had weeks to go before we had to endure this battle.
I did hit a new low moment in the pregnancy. So, I was hit by the stomach yet again. This is normal because my immune system is covering two people at this point. It's not at optimal prime right now. Anyways, I literally also was hit by the depression bug. Also not uncommon in pregnancy. So, I call my husband in tears apologizing over and over for me being a baby. Sometimes, I don't know if I'm cut out for this. It's not easy work sometimes. I'm tired and I'm hurting and I'm so scared sometimes. I worry as if I can't hack this. Then, after I get that out and start crying and tell Johnathan that if I can't do this right how can I do the mothering right. And I honestly worry about this. I do know from talking to other moms that this is normal. And I thank God that have a husband like Johnathan by my side who assures me that I'm strong and I'm doing this right. I may not be doing things the way you or your mother or your friends have done things in their pregnancy but baby and I and Johnathan are healthy and happy and really that's all that matters. As for being a good mom, I know that I will be. I will have moments when I feel like I won't be. I will have moments when I feel like I fail but those triumphs are what this worth is. Plus, I have God on my side sooo I'm good. I was made for this.
Here's week 17 vs. 18 (picture days are Sundays). This week you can still see the bump. It's not bigger (I don't think) but it's still there!
17 Weeks |
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18 Weeks |
Stay tuned for next week when you read about the annual big D trip with the baby brother and see some ultrasound pictures! It's going to be a good week!
So, tonight, say a quick prayer for us. Pray this baby cooperates and the ultrasound tech can us whether we are getting a Princess or a Deere! We have so much planned! I can't wait! We can't to find out!
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