Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Moments with the Mullers: We are growing a baby boy in there!
Moments with the Mullers: We are growing a baby boy in there!: Of course it's already Facebook official, but now we are blog official. Poppyseed is officially a beautiful baby boy. We are so excited!...
We are growing a baby boy in there!
Of course it's already Facebook official, but now we are blog official. Poppyseed is officially a beautiful baby boy. We are so excited!!!
The question that everyone has had since we found out that we are having a boy is what are you going to name him. We've had names picked out long before we got pregnant. Remember, we've been planning this moment for over five years. The name we are going with is John Patrick. He's not going to be called JP or John or Pat, he will be called John Patrick. His name means so much to us. For one, John is a generational name for Johnathan's family. He will be one of many including his daddy (Johnathan), his grandfather, John and his great grandfather John Cobble. John is Hebrew and means God is Gracious. How perfect is that? God has been so gracious to us during this whole ordeal. We've been healthy through this pregnancy. God has graciously given us this baby boy. God has graciously given us salvation. This name is perfect. Patrick comes from my great-grandfather, Pat Gilliam. This man was the first male role model of my life and some of my greatest childhood memories revolve around him. I am honored to name my son after him and share this legacy. Patrick is an Irish name that means Noble. This name means so much to the both of us. To name our son after great men in our families including his daddy, grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great grandfather. It has value and meaning and our hope is that this legacy of great men lives on through this beautiful baby boy.
Hey! We are halfway through our second trimester! John Patrick is 21 weeks this week. He is the size of a Pomegranate. I looked and the pomegranate is out of season at WalMart so I couldn't do my weekly lovingly holding of the veggie or fruit. He is about 10.5 inches long and weighs about 12.7 ounces. His digestive system is prepping for life outside the womb. He is making meconium. Meconium is a tarry black substance that will be the very first present he will love Mommy and Daddy in his tiny diaper. He's also big enough that I am feeling a little movement every now and then. My favorite moment so far was Sunday at church when I was singing in the congregation, I could feel him move. Mostly, I feel him at night while I'm lying down, but on Sunday, he showed me that he loves to hear his mommy sing. Another thing that makes me smile is that when Crimson lays on my belly, John Patrick hates it. He kicks. It's like he's telling Crimson "This is MY mommy and MY space. Back off." Then, as I move Crimson to get Johnathan to feel him, he stops. I've concluded he's going to be a mommy's boy for this very reason. Johnathan disagrees of course, but we all know the truth.
Sunday was the big day. We had planned this day since we found out we were expecting. Let me just say that we are overwhelmed by the all of the people who came to share in the moment and for all of you who waited patiently for the news to break on Facebook. We are also thankful for Paula, Tonya, John and Nana for providing all of the food. It was amazingly good food and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I had a feeling this baby was a boy from the moment we saw two lines on that little Early Response Test. Rylee, my five year old niece, was sure this baby was a little girl. So, she's a little disappointed that she won't have a little girl to dress up and play with, but once John Patrick gets here, she will just love him. I know it. Below are a few pictures from the party.
It's a little surreal to be able to for sure say "he" "him" "his" and even his name. I'm loving it. I love saying his name. I honestly never knew how much I could love a name so much but I love this little boy and he's not even here yet. Just 18 weeks and 6 days to go!
I'm a little nervous about being a mommy to a little boy. I've only been around baby girls so we're in a whole new ballgame. I'm just looking at this as a new adventure that was given to us by God. We will do the tractor thing and of course, we are going to sign him up for football as soon as he is old enough. I've got a plan for him to play at OU and then for the Dallas Cowboys. I want him to be a wide receiver and Mommy's going to be his biggest fan! I honestly can't wait to see what God has planned for this little guy, even though I'm convinced, he's not going to be a little guy....
This week's belly pictures are my favorite so far because we used the onesie from the reveal party. I'm growing but I still feel huge.
So prayers for this week is for a continued healthy pregnancy and for this baby boy to continue grow and be healthy. We are one blessed little family: All three of us Johnathan, Lucy & John Patrick.
The question that everyone has had since we found out that we are having a boy is what are you going to name him. We've had names picked out long before we got pregnant. Remember, we've been planning this moment for over five years. The name we are going with is John Patrick. He's not going to be called JP or John or Pat, he will be called John Patrick. His name means so much to us. For one, John is a generational name for Johnathan's family. He will be one of many including his daddy (Johnathan), his grandfather, John and his great grandfather John Cobble. John is Hebrew and means God is Gracious. How perfect is that? God has been so gracious to us during this whole ordeal. We've been healthy through this pregnancy. God has graciously given us this baby boy. God has graciously given us salvation. This name is perfect. Patrick comes from my great-grandfather, Pat Gilliam. This man was the first male role model of my life and some of my greatest childhood memories revolve around him. I am honored to name my son after him and share this legacy. Patrick is an Irish name that means Noble. This name means so much to the both of us. To name our son after great men in our families including his daddy, grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great grandfather. It has value and meaning and our hope is that this legacy of great men lives on through this beautiful baby boy.
Hey! We are halfway through our second trimester! John Patrick is 21 weeks this week. He is the size of a Pomegranate. I looked and the pomegranate is out of season at WalMart so I couldn't do my weekly lovingly holding of the veggie or fruit. He is about 10.5 inches long and weighs about 12.7 ounces. His digestive system is prepping for life outside the womb. He is making meconium. Meconium is a tarry black substance that will be the very first present he will love Mommy and Daddy in his tiny diaper. He's also big enough that I am feeling a little movement every now and then. My favorite moment so far was Sunday at church when I was singing in the congregation, I could feel him move. Mostly, I feel him at night while I'm lying down, but on Sunday, he showed me that he loves to hear his mommy sing. Another thing that makes me smile is that when Crimson lays on my belly, John Patrick hates it. He kicks. It's like he's telling Crimson "This is MY mommy and MY space. Back off." Then, as I move Crimson to get Johnathan to feel him, he stops. I've concluded he's going to be a mommy's boy for this very reason. Johnathan disagrees of course, but we all know the truth.
Sunday was the big day. We had planned this day since we found out we were expecting. Let me just say that we are overwhelmed by the all of the people who came to share in the moment and for all of you who waited patiently for the news to break on Facebook. We are also thankful for Paula, Tonya, John and Nana for providing all of the food. It was amazingly good food and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I had a feeling this baby was a boy from the moment we saw two lines on that little Early Response Test. Rylee, my five year old niece, was sure this baby was a little girl. So, she's a little disappointed that she won't have a little girl to dress up and play with, but once John Patrick gets here, she will just love him. I know it. Below are a few pictures from the party.
It's a little surreal to be able to for sure say "he" "him" "his" and even his name. I'm loving it. I love saying his name. I honestly never knew how much I could love a name so much but I love this little boy and he's not even here yet. Just 18 weeks and 6 days to go!
I'm a little nervous about being a mommy to a little boy. I've only been around baby girls so we're in a whole new ballgame. I'm just looking at this as a new adventure that was given to us by God. We will do the tractor thing and of course, we are going to sign him up for football as soon as he is old enough. I've got a plan for him to play at OU and then for the Dallas Cowboys. I want him to be a wide receiver and Mommy's going to be his biggest fan! I honestly can't wait to see what God has planned for this little guy, even though I'm convinced, he's not going to be a little guy....
This week's belly pictures are my favorite so far because we used the onesie from the reveal party. I'm growing but I still feel huge.
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19 Weeks |
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20 Weeks |
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20 Weeks |
So prayers for this week is for a continued healthy pregnancy and for this baby boy to continue grow and be healthy. We are one blessed little family: All three of us Johnathan, Lucy & John Patrick.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Moments with the Mullers: A magical moment in pregnancy
Moments with the Mullers: A magical moment in pregnancy: Hey! We made it halfway through this pregnancy!!! We are officially 20 weeks! Poppyseed is the size of a banana. The baby is about 8 inche...
A magical moment in pregnancy
Hey! We made it halfway through this pregnancy!!!
We are officially 20 weeks! Poppyseed is the size of a banana. The baby is about 8 inches long and as of the ultrasound weighed 10.5 ounces which is about an ounce and half bigger than the norm. This Muller Miracle is also longer than expected; however, I was told not to panic because I'm tall, Johnathan's tall at 6'4, my mother in law is over 6', my father in law is about 6'2 and my grandpa is 6'6.... we're likely to have some giants. This week Poppyseed is working on finishing up those taste buds. I can tell you potatoes is what this baby loves the most. The baby is also working on gulping down amniotic fluid...several ounces to be exact. Again, this baby is miraculously growing!
Last week was our ultrasound. I know that I have complained complained complained but this hour of looking over my baby was a magical moment. Johnathan and I created that miracle on the screen. It's amazing how much this baby has grown from six weeks (our fist peak) to now. We got to see the heart, lungs, kidneys, bladder, spine, brain, legs, fingers, toes, mouth, nose, eyes.... it was amazing! The baby was moving around in there. And even sucking the thumb. It was a beautiful moment in this pregnancy that I wish I had more time to just gaze and my little miracle.
Also part of the ultrasound was the big gender. The answer is NO, I do not know whether we have a baby boy or baby girl. It's sealed in an envelope with a trusted friend. Say I'm crazy, I don't care, but we want to have a special moment with our loved ones where we share the news with them and they can see our true reactions. Our big reveal is Sunday. I can't wait. I'm so excited. We've been working on decorations and getting things ready. Stay tuned for pictures and videos! I'm so excited! Below are pictures of the day!
Another part of this was the wonder I have gained for my God. I've always known that God is amazing, but until I saw that heart beat go from just a heart beat to a four chamber heart, I did not fully concept the magnitude of God and His wonderful grace. This pregnancy didn't just happen. This baby is not some scientific statistic. God carefully planned out this baby... long before I even thought about this baby and cried for this baby. Jeremiah 1:5 says "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you;" This tells me two things. Before I was even thought about, God knew His plan for me was to be a mother and not just any mother, but a mother to my Poppyseed. This also tells me that God already has a plan for my little poppyseed. He knows if Poppyseed is a princess or a Deere. He knows if Poppyseed will be a teacher or a doctor or President of the US. He knows. God is so wonderful in His everlasting vast knowledge and wisdom. I am beyond blessed that He has chosen us to be so blessed with this baby. Psalm 139:14 says "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." This baby is already wonderfully made because God did make his baby. His works are marvellous in that I was told on several occasions that I couldn't be a mother. I realized this weekend that even my relationship with God has changed with this baby because it's made me wonder at His works that much more. It's made me love and respect Him in more ways than one. He's gracious and loving and amazing and that's one thing I want to be sure that my children know is God's love and that it started before we even thought about them. It's amazing.
So, for this week we are busy busy busy. We are helping with the Pittsburg Baptist Association D-Now weekend. It's a Youth event that helps get our kids to come together for the purpose of serving God and focusing on God's plan for their life. I am honored to be a part of it. I'm excited to see what God is going to do this weekend.
I've already mentioned that the big reveal is Sunday. Again, I can't wait!
So, for this week, just pray that God moves in our youth this week. Pray that there is a great revival in our nation that starts at the PBA DNow Weekend! Keep praying for our little miracle and that he or she keeps growing growing growing! Only 20 more weeks until Poppyseed gets here!
Enjoy the baby bump picture this week! Also, let me know what your vote is: Princess or a Deere?! The time to know is almost here!!
We are officially 20 weeks! Poppyseed is the size of a banana. The baby is about 8 inches long and as of the ultrasound weighed 10.5 ounces which is about an ounce and half bigger than the norm. This Muller Miracle is also longer than expected; however, I was told not to panic because I'm tall, Johnathan's tall at 6'4, my mother in law is over 6', my father in law is about 6'2 and my grandpa is 6'6.... we're likely to have some giants. This week Poppyseed is working on finishing up those taste buds. I can tell you potatoes is what this baby loves the most. The baby is also working on gulping down amniotic fluid...several ounces to be exact. Again, this baby is miraculously growing!
Last week was our ultrasound. I know that I have complained complained complained but this hour of looking over my baby was a magical moment. Johnathan and I created that miracle on the screen. It's amazing how much this baby has grown from six weeks (our fist peak) to now. We got to see the heart, lungs, kidneys, bladder, spine, brain, legs, fingers, toes, mouth, nose, eyes.... it was amazing! The baby was moving around in there. And even sucking the thumb. It was a beautiful moment in this pregnancy that I wish I had more time to just gaze and my little miracle.
Also part of the ultrasound was the big gender. The answer is NO, I do not know whether we have a baby boy or baby girl. It's sealed in an envelope with a trusted friend. Say I'm crazy, I don't care, but we want to have a special moment with our loved ones where we share the news with them and they can see our true reactions. Our big reveal is Sunday. I can't wait. I'm so excited. We've been working on decorations and getting things ready. Stay tuned for pictures and videos! I'm so excited! Below are pictures of the day!
Another part of this was the wonder I have gained for my God. I've always known that God is amazing, but until I saw that heart beat go from just a heart beat to a four chamber heart, I did not fully concept the magnitude of God and His wonderful grace. This pregnancy didn't just happen. This baby is not some scientific statistic. God carefully planned out this baby... long before I even thought about this baby and cried for this baby. Jeremiah 1:5 says "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you;" This tells me two things. Before I was even thought about, God knew His plan for me was to be a mother and not just any mother, but a mother to my Poppyseed. This also tells me that God already has a plan for my little poppyseed. He knows if Poppyseed is a princess or a Deere. He knows if Poppyseed will be a teacher or a doctor or President of the US. He knows. God is so wonderful in His everlasting vast knowledge and wisdom. I am beyond blessed that He has chosen us to be so blessed with this baby. Psalm 139:14 says "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." This baby is already wonderfully made because God did make his baby. His works are marvellous in that I was told on several occasions that I couldn't be a mother. I realized this weekend that even my relationship with God has changed with this baby because it's made me wonder at His works that much more. It's made me love and respect Him in more ways than one. He's gracious and loving and amazing and that's one thing I want to be sure that my children know is God's love and that it started before we even thought about them. It's amazing.
So, for this week we are busy busy busy. We are helping with the Pittsburg Baptist Association D-Now weekend. It's a Youth event that helps get our kids to come together for the purpose of serving God and focusing on God's plan for their life. I am honored to be a part of it. I'm excited to see what God is going to do this weekend.
I've already mentioned that the big reveal is Sunday. Again, I can't wait!
So, for this week, just pray that God moves in our youth this week. Pray that there is a great revival in our nation that starts at the PBA DNow Weekend! Keep praying for our little miracle and that he or she keeps growing growing growing! Only 20 more weeks until Poppyseed gets here!
Enjoy the baby bump picture this week! Also, let me know what your vote is: Princess or a Deere?! The time to know is almost here!!
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18 Weeks |
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19 weeks |
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Moments with the Mullers: Half a pound of Baby! We are growing!
Moments with the Mullers: Half a pound of Baby! We are growing!: We've officially made it to 19 weeks! Almost halfway there!! This week my little Poppyseed is the size of a Mango. That's 6 inches...
Half a pound of Baby! We are growing!
We've officially made it to 19 weeks! Almost halfway there!!
This week my little Poppyseed is the size of a Mango. That's 6 inches and HALF A POUND! I have half a pound of baby cooking in there kids! This week the baby is developing a protective coating over the skin. It's called vernix caseosa. The point of this substance is to protect the skin from all of the juices and amniotic fluid. Imagine being in a bath for 9 months and what your skin looks like. That's why the baby has this stuff. The baby is also working on the 5 senses. Nerve cells are developing for the sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell. The baby is growing!
We also had a doctor's appointment this week. How much weight have I gained? -2 pounds. That's right peeps, I officially weigh less than when I did at the very first doctor's appointment. Should I be worried? No, I've had two bouts of the stomach flu and some extreme nausea issues. The doctor does want me up at least a pound by next time which is in four weeks. We heard a strong heartbeat and I was told everything is going good and normal. Yayyyyy!
I did crack the doctor up twice. The first time was when he asked about nausea. I told him that my vitamins and I aren't friends. He thought that was funny. I don't find it quite as funny but he did give me permission to have the B Complex and Gastric vitamins every other day instead of everyday in hopes that it's a compromise. The second time is when I asked if he was giving me orders for the glucose test. I'm not going to lie, the way I am with food nowadays, this test scares the crap out of me. I'm not excited about drinking something that was described to me as flat thick Fanta.... I know I will barf it up. Again, he laughed and told me to not get ahead of myself that I still had weeks to go before we had to endure this battle.
I did hit a new low moment in the pregnancy. So, I was hit by the stomach yet again. This is normal because my immune system is covering two people at this point. It's not at optimal prime right now. Anyways, I literally also was hit by the depression bug. Also not uncommon in pregnancy. So, I call my husband in tears apologizing over and over for me being a baby. Sometimes, I don't know if I'm cut out for this. It's not easy work sometimes. I'm tired and I'm hurting and I'm so scared sometimes. I worry as if I can't hack this. Then, after I get that out and start crying and tell Johnathan that if I can't do this right how can I do the mothering right. And I honestly worry about this. I do know from talking to other moms that this is normal. And I thank God that have a husband like Johnathan by my side who assures me that I'm strong and I'm doing this right. I may not be doing things the way you or your mother or your friends have done things in their pregnancy but baby and I and Johnathan are healthy and happy and really that's all that matters. As for being a good mom, I know that I will be. I will have moments when I feel like I won't be. I will have moments when I feel like I fail but those triumphs are what this worth is. Plus, I have God on my side sooo I'm good. I was made for this.
Here's week 17 vs. 18 (picture days are Sundays). This week you can still see the bump. It's not bigger (I don't think) but it's still there!
Stay tuned for next week when you read about the annual big D trip with the baby brother and see some ultrasound pictures! It's going to be a good week!
So, tonight, say a quick prayer for us. Pray this baby cooperates and the ultrasound tech can us whether we are getting a Princess or a Deere! We have so much planned! I can't wait! We can't to find out!
This week my little Poppyseed is the size of a Mango. That's 6 inches and HALF A POUND! I have half a pound of baby cooking in there kids! This week the baby is developing a protective coating over the skin. It's called vernix caseosa. The point of this substance is to protect the skin from all of the juices and amniotic fluid. Imagine being in a bath for 9 months and what your skin looks like. That's why the baby has this stuff. The baby is also working on the 5 senses. Nerve cells are developing for the sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell. The baby is growing!
We also had a doctor's appointment this week. How much weight have I gained? -2 pounds. That's right peeps, I officially weigh less than when I did at the very first doctor's appointment. Should I be worried? No, I've had two bouts of the stomach flu and some extreme nausea issues. The doctor does want me up at least a pound by next time which is in four weeks. We heard a strong heartbeat and I was told everything is going good and normal. Yayyyyy!
I did crack the doctor up twice. The first time was when he asked about nausea. I told him that my vitamins and I aren't friends. He thought that was funny. I don't find it quite as funny but he did give me permission to have the B Complex and Gastric vitamins every other day instead of everyday in hopes that it's a compromise. The second time is when I asked if he was giving me orders for the glucose test. I'm not going to lie, the way I am with food nowadays, this test scares the crap out of me. I'm not excited about drinking something that was described to me as flat thick Fanta.... I know I will barf it up. Again, he laughed and told me to not get ahead of myself that I still had weeks to go before we had to endure this battle.
I did hit a new low moment in the pregnancy. So, I was hit by the stomach yet again. This is normal because my immune system is covering two people at this point. It's not at optimal prime right now. Anyways, I literally also was hit by the depression bug. Also not uncommon in pregnancy. So, I call my husband in tears apologizing over and over for me being a baby. Sometimes, I don't know if I'm cut out for this. It's not easy work sometimes. I'm tired and I'm hurting and I'm so scared sometimes. I worry as if I can't hack this. Then, after I get that out and start crying and tell Johnathan that if I can't do this right how can I do the mothering right. And I honestly worry about this. I do know from talking to other moms that this is normal. And I thank God that have a husband like Johnathan by my side who assures me that I'm strong and I'm doing this right. I may not be doing things the way you or your mother or your friends have done things in their pregnancy but baby and I and Johnathan are healthy and happy and really that's all that matters. As for being a good mom, I know that I will be. I will have moments when I feel like I won't be. I will have moments when I feel like I fail but those triumphs are what this worth is. Plus, I have God on my side sooo I'm good. I was made for this.
Here's week 17 vs. 18 (picture days are Sundays). This week you can still see the bump. It's not bigger (I don't think) but it's still there!
17 Weeks |
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18 Weeks |
Stay tuned for next week when you read about the annual big D trip with the baby brother and see some ultrasound pictures! It's going to be a good week!
So, tonight, say a quick prayer for us. Pray this baby cooperates and the ultrasound tech can us whether we are getting a Princess or a Deere! We have so much planned! I can't wait! We can't to find out!
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Moments with the Mullers: 18 Weeks! Starting to get a little uncomfortable.....
Moments with the Mullers: 18 Weeks! Starting to get a little uncomfortable.....: It's been so chaotic the last few weeks in the Muller household. We've gone on vacation and had the stomach flu and bought a golf ca...
18 Weeks! Starting to get a little uncomfortable...
It's been so chaotic the last few weeks in the Muller household. We've gone on vacation and had the stomach flu and bought a golf cart and endured the snow and started revival at church. It's busy busy busy!
This week our Poppyseed is 18 weeks! Baby Muller is the size of a sweet potato: that's 5.6 inches long and almost 7 ounces! Can you believe that Poppyseed has fingerprints!!! FINGERPRINTS! Like a real person. I whole heartedly believe that life begins at conception but the more this baby grows, the amazed I am at the little things. Poppyseed is also yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing! The baby is moving around in there!If I'm lying on my back and still, sometimes I can feel the baby. This pregnancy thing isn't always bad.
What is bad is that I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable. My back and shoulders hurt a little and riding in the car for more than just an hour or so hurt my back, butt and makes me feel like I can't breathe. I'm also developing a bump. It's right above my belly button. That means I'm carrying high right?! Which means a girl right?! We shall see in about 19 days!!
We are prepping for the gender reveal party. Our ultrasound is next week which just happens to be my 30th birthday. I can imagine a better way to spend a way to enter a new decade than by taking a peep at my precious little miracle! It's the best birthday present yet!
We aren't going to find out at the ultrasound. We are going to find out at the Reveal party. Princess or Deere?! What do you think?! We're gonna feed everyone spaghetti and alfredo. We're gonna have cake and other fun stuff and then of course the event of the day! I canNOT wait! Only one rule: NO GIFTS!
So, you can see, the bump is getting bigger! Which means that Poppyseed is getting bigger! What's the most important is that we are both healthy and Johnathan and I couldn't be happier!
This week our Poppyseed is 18 weeks! Baby Muller is the size of a sweet potato: that's 5.6 inches long and almost 7 ounces! Can you believe that Poppyseed has fingerprints!!! FINGERPRINTS! Like a real person. I whole heartedly believe that life begins at conception but the more this baby grows, the amazed I am at the little things. Poppyseed is also yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing! The baby is moving around in there!If I'm lying on my back and still, sometimes I can feel the baby. This pregnancy thing isn't always bad.
What is bad is that I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable. My back and shoulders hurt a little and riding in the car for more than just an hour or so hurt my back, butt and makes me feel like I can't breathe. I'm also developing a bump. It's right above my belly button. That means I'm carrying high right?! Which means a girl right?! We shall see in about 19 days!!
We are prepping for the gender reveal party. Our ultrasound is next week which just happens to be my 30th birthday. I can imagine a better way to spend a way to enter a new decade than by taking a peep at my precious little miracle! It's the best birthday present yet!
We aren't going to find out at the ultrasound. We are going to find out at the Reveal party. Princess or Deere?! What do you think?! We're gonna feed everyone spaghetti and alfredo. We're gonna have cake and other fun stuff and then of course the event of the day! I canNOT wait! Only one rule: NO GIFTS!
So, about the bump.... this is very hard for me to get used to. I don't feel pregnant. I feel like a whale. I am also really worried about others' perceptions of me. I know that most women go through this during pregnancy, but I was just getting used to feeling as if I was a "normal" size and getting comfortable with my new body. Now, it's changing all over again. It's really very psychological. I literally had a melt down when I couldn't fit into my size 12s. Getting into those 12s was the proudest moment of my surgery experience. Don't get me wrong I've never been happier about this baby and it means so MUCH more than a single pound dropped. It's still a little disheartening to have that gone right now. Another melt down was this Sunday. I didn't post the picture because I'm honestly disgusted with myself. I don't feel pretty or cute. Most pregnant girls are cute. When am I going to feel that way?! I just want to feel pregnant and not like a blimp. I want to feel like one of those cutesy girls with a cute bump.
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13 Weeks |
16 Weeks |
17 Weeks |
So, you can see, the bump is getting bigger! Which means that Poppyseed is getting bigger! What's the most important is that we are both healthy and Johnathan and I couldn't be happier!
So, prayers for this week is peace for me over this belly growing business also for a healthy report Monday at the OB appointment and that Poppyseed cooperates at the ultrasound and that we get a healthy report there as well! One more is for our revival at church that God moves in our hearts, churches and city!
Thank you all for the support and prayers! You mean so much to us!
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