Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Another little bump in the road....

This is only the second time that I've had to do this, but it's just as embarassing and discouraging as the first.

Pounds Lost This Week: 2 Pound GAIN
Pounds Lost Since Surgery: 89 Pounds
Overall Weight Loss: 131 Pounds

Pounds to go until GOAL: 64 Pounds

Yes, it was a two pound gain. It is super discouraging and embarassing to admit this small defeat to all of you. But it's part of the journey. I also want to be honest with you about my journey. This hasn't always been roses. It's not always easy and if you are considering starting a journey similar to this, you need to be prepared with facts and a real experience. Not just one that makes me look how awesome it is.

I'm one of the lucky ones in that this is only the second gain since surgery. I read others' blogs and follow posts and people are consistently gaining and losing. I've been consisitenly losing save two weeks out of all of these months. That's pretty good odds. And 89 pounds in 7 months is still pretty impresssive. And 131 pounds in 10 months is more than impressive. I can't lie though, 133 pounds in 10 months sounds better.

It's my fault. I took last week off from the gym. I wanted to see how grad school was going to fit into my schedule and energy levels. I didn't want to over do it. I didn't deviate from the diet though. It's just so discourging. I do work hard and even this little bump in my journey is so discouraging.

So, this past week I did start grad school. I'm naturally good at school. I always have been and I LOVE learning and I'm pretty talented at writing. I'm looking forward to this semester. I think there is lots of things that I can learn and accomplish. I'm excited to see where my career takes off. There's so much I want to do. I want to move up in my career in healthcare. I want to teach adjunct college courses. I want to run for Oklahma Senate and help make a difference when it comes to employee law. Did you know that Oklahoma is a pro-employer state? Just read some of your employment laws and see for yourself.

Since I have your attention and just mentioned politics, I'm going to share my pet peeve of the week. Today, you had an opportunity to contribute to your state and your community. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Do you understand how important it is that you vote?! Do you understand the things that are at state when you vote?! Do you know what our forefathers and foremothers sacrificed so that you and I have the opportunity?! Some gave their lives! There are so many opportunities to contribute by taking 15 minutes and marking a box at the ballot. Educate yourself! I see soooooo many things on Facebook where people are griping about millions of things from the conditions of the roads to minimum wage. By chosing not to vote, you aren't helping make ANYTHING better. Come on peeps! Educate yourselfs about issues and candidates and we can make our community, our state, our country and our world a better place. (insert applause here) (I'm walking off my soap box now).

Also, this weekend, we went to a church meeting. How many of you knew that it takes business to run a church. It's not all fun and games. Here's another soap box I'm going to get on. Church isn't just a place you drop your kids. It's not a place to go on Sunday because you feel guilty. Churches are dying. Do you want to know why?! We don't have the young adult leadership to step up to the plate and run our churches. My generation is missing from her churches and it's causes our churches to die. If you are looking for a place to serve, boy do we have the need. (Again, stepping off the soap box). We planned the events for our kids for the year. We have some exciting things planned. Tricky Ricky is coming. Movie Nights. A end of school year trip. Bible School. Indian Falls Creek. Lock Ins. We really loved being called and could use the help (hint hint nudge nudge).

The highlight to my weekend was date night. We planned a trip to Durant, OK. We knew we wanted to eat somewhere and chose Gilley's. Have you ever seen Urban Cowboy? I have pllleeennntttyyy of times. I've always known that if Sissy can ride that bull then I could ride the bull. I also want to be clear that the Gilley's we went to was not a bar. It was a restaurant. And the food was pretty good. I had smoked chicken and broccoli and cheese. It was pretty yummy. Plus they had malted vinegar on the table. And I LOVE malted vinger and chicken. And I did ride the bull and lasted longer than 8 seconds. Let me explain to you why this excites me. A year ago, I wouldn't have dared to get up on the bull. I would be too embarrassed as to what I looked like on that mechanical bull and scared to death that I would either break it from being too heavy or not be able to pull myself on top of it. It's amazing the things that just a little confidence can help you do that you wouldn't have normally done. I like having the confidence to do things that I want to do that I've always wanted to do. Even if you think it's dumb, I had a blast and that's really all that matters.

We also went to a concert that was AMAZING! 3 Doors Down has always been one of my favorites. They played a bomb show and actually thanked God and the troops. They are truly an American band and I'm proud to be a fan. The drummer even came from Kingston, OK. Everyone knows that I'm proud to be an Okie!

So, for this week, I need to focus on getting back in the groove. We took the pups on a walk and poor little Crimson. I thought his little legs were gonna fall off. Plus we are trying to leash train him for when we go camping and such and sheesh....that did not go as well as we hoped. I also wanna go back to water aerobics. I miss it and I'm a water baby and did really well doing it. I just need to motivate myself and remember what I'm doing this for and that's to be able to try to get pregnant again. We only have 5 more months before we get the Doc's blessing.

Prayer Requests this week: That I get some motivation and not be too brought down by this gain. You guys have no idea how much you mean to me with the support. I've only had a handful of Negative Nancys that make me feel like I've cheated the systems but then there's some of you, my dearest friends, that give me the support and encouragement that I need. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

As promised: recipe of the week:

Cilantro Lemon Chicken

Chicken Breast boneless and skinless
1 Lemon cut into squares
1 tbsp cilantro

1. Place a skillet on the stove over medium heat and spray the skillet with pam
2. Place the chicken into headted skilled and sprinkle with cilantro over each piece. Feel free to use more or less cilantro based on your taste.
3. Take a quater of a lemon and squeeze the juice over one chicken breast. Now lay that juiced lemon on top of the chicken and leave it there until it's time to turn. Repeat for each piece of chicken.
4. Cover and let cook for 5 minutes before flipping.
5. Turn the chicken and replace lid. Continue cooking until cooked thoroughly.

Happy Eating!

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