Tuesday, May 6, 2014

First Goal! ACHIEVED!!!!

So, I know you are all on the edge of your phones

Pounds Lost This Week: 2 Pounds
Pounds Lost Since Surgery: 59 Pounds
Overall Weight Loss: 101 Pounds

I have OFFICIALLY MET MY FIRST GOAL!!! I am MORE than excited!!! I feel accomplished and even more determined to be able to get pregnant in January!

So, now, I've set another goal. No worries. It's a small one. I want to be down another 20 pounds before July 4th. That's 8 weeks away. So, I just need to lose at least 2 pounds a week until then to meet it. I can do THIS! I'm going to give it my best anyway!

So, I had my personal trainer appointment and I HIGHLY recommend Jennifer at the Wellness Center! She's a motivator but not critical. She knows her stuff and pushes you to do your best. I now have a strength training routine to help me get in even better shape. What are my goals? Just to be healthy. I don't need a six pack or muscles. I just want to be healthy all the way around. I am a little bit sore but that's to be expected for someone who hasn't lifted weights since before she was married five years ago. We even went to the other side where the free weights are. I didn't use much and was super nervous. That's where are all the hard core weight lifters go. Who knows? Maybe next year, Johnathan will be spotting me as I benchpress (But don't count your chicken kids)

I also returned to water aerobics. And I AM BACK! I could keep up! I was super excited. Great day! I also worked my tail off. The only problem..... Let me rewind this story a minute or two. On Saturday, I decided to look at my summer clothes to see if there was any way I could salvage ANY clothes for the upcoming Bahama trip in 14 days. One swimsuit that I bought the top in February still fits. The shorts from last summer fit WAYYY better. They actually looked like shorts and not briefs. Super Pumped. The other swimsuit top and skirt too big. So, tonight, I decided to wear the one that fit. But, it didn't fit. I spent half of my workout fighting these shorts. They would NOT stay on my butt. It's glorious, but not fun in the moment. I finally ended up tying my top into a knot above the shorts to keep it up. Other than that I feel like I did a great job!!

The last thing I want to address is today I was talking with a friend. She was concerned because her daughter keeps grabbing her tummy and saying that it's big. She was concerned that someone might be telling her that her belly is big. I also told her that she might be picking up on what she says about herself. I am JUST as guilty. I am all the time calling myself fat and ugly. Sometimes, I say it in front of my niece. We influence those around us by what we say about ourselves. My niece often tells me how beautiful I am. And she truly believes it. I am always quick to say how fat and ugly I am and what she sees is that if what she feels is beatuful is really fat and ugly than she sees herself as beautiful is that really fat and ugly? I in no way want her to feel like she's anything but GORGEOUS!! I really need to watch myself and what I say in front of these little ones. And if you are guilty, watch it too. The world is bad enough to these little girls without our own insecurities.

Enough of the soap box! So, for this week, I'm just going to focus on the new plan for strength training, maintaining my lifestyle and enjoying life. I'm gonna go shopping for new clothes for the Bahama trip and oh, I forgot to mention once again, I'M GONNA GRADUATE WITH A BACH! As always, keep me in prayers, Pray things keep going this well and the second goal comes fairly easy. I love you all!

Happy Reading!

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