Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I've got 99 problems but this week's weigh in isn't one!

Like my title? Got your attention huh?

Pounds lost this week: 5
Pounds lost since surgery: 57
Overall weight loss: 99

You read it right! I am ONE pound away from being from my first goal. I now have 21 days to get off 1 pound to meet that first goal! I am SUPER proud of myself right now!! Hopefully next week we can really celebrate and then I'll set another goal for myself!

So what changed this week?? Well, first off, I had my doctor's appointment this week. I only lost 16 pounds between my 6 week and twelve week but they were happy with the weight loss. They were overall happy with what I've been doing. I just got "in trouble" for a few things. First, my oxygen levels were pretty low. It was in the 80s when it should be in the 90s. I was given "You got two minutes to get it above 90 or else we will hospitalize you." Well, you know me. That did the trick. I began to breathe deep and relax. I got the O2 sats up above 90. The next thing I got in trouble for was not taking my calcium supplements. Why? I really don't have a good excuse except that I forget to take them. How have I solved that issue? I have two alarms on my phone at 11:30am and 4:00pm to remind me to take them so that I don't forget. The next little lecture I received was not getting in my liquids. And I haven't been and you know that I haven't been because I've been honest with you. I've really been working on this too. I try to have at least one bottle down before lunch, one bottle down before I leave work, one bottle down during my workout and one before I go to bed. I've really been trying and I've been pretty successful so far! Again, pretty proud of myself! Finally the last thing I got in trouble for was running. Remember how proud I was that I was running? And I was. I want to run a 5K and play basketball and play softball! I want to run; however, I've been a little inpatient. These things will happen. I just have to wait and focus on my health in the meantime. They want me to keep my heart rate under 125 because that is my fat burning zone. I need to focus on burning fat and not burning calories because the few calories I get is where my energy comes from. I'm going to take the VO2 test that monitors heart rate and oxygen to give me where I should be when I exercise and where I should NOT be. I also got approved to lift weights. I was supposed to be between 35% and 45% of excess weight loss and I was at 44%. I'm doing pretty good! I don't have to back until late July. I asked where I should be. I wanted a number. I need a goal. Would they give it to me? Heck no! They said that with my personality, I would kill myself trying to exceed it. I've officially been diagnosed with Overachiever Syndrome.

I had a pretty great weekend too with the Mullers. I was a bit surpised that I lost so much because I felt like I ate all weekend long (even though I didn't). I loved seeing all the Mullers that I got to see this weekend and sad that not everyone was there. It was a great weekend full of food, fun and most importantly family. I'm so proud of Taylor and Kasun and how they are ending one chapter of their lives and beginning a new one.

I'm going to do my best to not overdue it. I'm going to try not to obsess and weigh every day. I'm not going to run. I'm going to walk and lift weights and go to water aerobics. I going to keep my head up and focus on my goals. I'm going to focus on this Bahama vacation and the five days and four nights of paradise with the most amazing man in the world, my husband.

I really appreciate all of your prayers and support. It's what keeps me going through this because it's not easy. So as always, I ask for your prayers and support as I move forward. I hope I can get this this last pound down and able to focus on the next one. One thing I've learned about myself through this is that I'm stronger than I ever would have believed. And I can only do it with God because of prayer and your kind words and encouragment. God bless you all.

Happy Reading!

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