Tuesday, April 1, 2014

It's another weekly weigh in ya'll!

First things first:

Pounds lost last week: 4
Pounds since surgery: 45
Pounds Overall: 87

I was hoping for five or six, but I'll take 4! Officially 87 pounds down! In the last eight weeks, I've lost more than my pre-op weight loss! I'm pretty proud of myself.

Again, today I was more than stunned when I saw a picture of myself two years ago and then one I took today. If you are my FB friend, you saw the picture. It's pretty amazing. It's the first time that I've thought of myself as pretty and the picture I took of my self today, I look gorgeous. I'm not bragging, I just want to say that It's the first time I felt pretty. And it's a different kind of feeling because I have really never felt anything more fat and ugly.

So, I don't think I'm going to meet my goal of 50 pounds down before the Bahamas trip. And that's okay. Dr. B said it was a longshot and I have 7 more weeks to get off 42 pounds. That's alot but I'm going to keep working hard and get as close as I can. So, hold me accountable when you see me. Ask me if I've been to the gym!

Speaking of the Bahamas, we have an exciting Spring and Summer planned. Johnathan's sister is coming down and we are so excited to get to spend some time with her and the kids. There's a huge Latimer/Cobble family Easter planned and that's going to be TONS of fun! And then there is a huge Muller weekend planned! I love Johnathan's family. They are just as loving and supportive as my family and that's important and means sooooo much to me! Then, of course, in May is the Bahama trip. I've been shopping for clothes and a swimsuit, but it's tricky because I don't know if I will be down any sizes or how many sizes by then. Then, in July is the annual Moore Galveston trip. We booked the rooms today!! Whoot! Whoot! You know it's gonna be a good time when you get Maryah, Mike Mo, Uncle Stephen and I together!! Then at the end of July is Indian Falls Creek! Pumped about that too!! Then, hopefully, we can add a few camping weekends in here and there and break in our camper!

So, things are starting to normalize here in the Muller household. We have the meal plans that are going well. Getting the gym routine down. I still get tired by the end of the day, but I feel that is normal. Last week, I probably did over do it. Work. Gym. Revival. Repeat. It was super busy by flew by fast.

So, again, send up your prayers for us. Pray that I keep my strength up and can get through the rest of this week and next week because I end my internship and graduate!! SUPER Excited. Also, while you are praying, next Wednesday I take the MAT for grad school so pray for wisdom for me as well!

Happy Reading!!

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