Thursday, September 1, 2011

My God is so BIG so STRONG and so MIGHTY there's NOTHING my God cannot do!!!

Great news friends......I got the call today about my biopsy results.....Benign!!! No signs of any cancer or pre-cancerous cells! I started cyring! I was so happy! God is so wonderful!

Beverly, our amazing nurse, delivered the wonderful news. She said she knew all along the results would turn out this way!. She said the doctor felt like this too since the lining had already thinned by 5 mm.

So, now we are back on the plan. The let's get pregnant plan. So, I refilled my Prometrium prescription that starts my cycle and she called in Clomid since it worked before. I am back on weight watchers and pre-natal vitamins! I want to start excersing again. I want this so bad! I know what I have to do to get it. Be patient, have faith, and keep trying to stay healthy. So that's just what we are going to do.

I am going to be patient and keep in mind that this is on God's time, not mine. He knows what is best for me.

I am going to have faith. I know in the bottom of my heart God has planned for me to be a mother. I just have to have faith that God will keep His promises. And He does. He always keeps His promises. He is the one thing steady in this life that does: Always.

I am going to try my best to stay healthy. I want to cut out white breads, pastas, etc.. and potatoes and refined sugar. Sticking only to complex carbs, diary, protein and fiber. I also want  to start walking again. It's going to be hard, but worth it in the end. I also need to stay on my pre-natal vitamins!

I can't help but praise my Maker! The title of this blog entry is a children's song, but rings so true. My God is so BIG! More than you or I can imagine! My God is so STRONG and so MIGHTY! He's the strongest force in the whole entire universe! He can take care of anything and defeat anything. You can lean on Him for support for anything! There's NOTHING my God cannot do! How true is this? He created the world, parted the sea, had a 90 year old woman give birth....there is nothing my God cannot do....including giving me a baby against all the odds!

Thank you all so much for your prayers and for your support. You have no idea how much it means to Johnathan and I. We really appreciate all the support and prayers and kind words. They really have helped. Continue praying for us through this journey!

We love you all and God bless you!

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