Monday, August 29, 2011

Discomfort is a doctors nice way of telling you it's going to hurt

Well, good news friends, I am home from the doctor!

The biopsy went well. It did hurt, alot, but not as bad as I had anticipated. Dr. Reshef is confident that the results will come back benign. At the most he expects to find pre-cancerous cells, but finds that very unlikely. I should know the results on Thursday or at the latest Friday. I was surprised to know it would be that soon. I thought it would take weeks.

If the results come back with findings of any pre-cancerous cells, he said we have several options, but he did not want talk about them until the results come back.

If the results come back with no abnormal findings, we will simply continue the fertility treatment. Meaning, he will restart my cycle, and start fertility medicine again. He is thinking of switching my medicine from Clomid to Femarra, but other than that the methods will pretty much be the same.

I have faith everything is going to be okay, and soon I will get to see a heartbeat on the ultrasound monitor. I know it will happen. I have faith in my God.

The lining of my uterus has actually thinned out since last month, which is a very positive thing considering I didn't cycle this month! If I had cycled, a biopsy may have not been necessary. It's proof my condition is improving.

I have to say thank you to Johnathan Paul Muller. I could not have done it today without him beside me holding my hand. He is the best husband ever. He is not only my God given partner in life, he is my best friend. He is a constant in my very stressful life. Second to God, he is the best thing in my life. I love him so much. Thank you babe, for driving me, holding my hand, and letting me rest all the way home. You are amazing.

For now, I have some "discomfort," but with a little rest, I am going to be fine. I am going to take a Tylenol pm and rest the evening away so I can be good and rested for work tomorrow.

Please continue to pray for me and I will update you with the results later this week!

Love you all and God bless!

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