Tuesday, February 10, 2015

We made it to the 2nd Trimester!

Hooray! While we aren't completely out of the woods yet, but we are definitely over the first hump of pregnancy.

This week our little Poppyseed is the size of a lemon. Now, I will tell you that we went to WalMart and I measured the difference between a peach and a lemon. While there's not much, you can see a difference. Poppyseed is approximately 3.4 inches and weighs about 1.5 ounces. We have a thumb sucker! Well, we don't know for sure, but this is one of the items that the baby can accomplish this week. This week the kidneys are producing urine and the liver and spleen are also doing what they are supposed to do too! The baby is also growing lanugo. Lanugo is a thin, peach like fuzz, or hair all over the body. This helps keep the baby warm since we haven't been putting on too much fat just yet. Again, the baby is growing! And that's all that really matters!

So, last week, I was a little obsessed with worrying about the baby. I have a great team behind me and we overcame those fears!

This week for me my worry has been the thickening waistline. I know that I should not be obsessing about my weight, but I've come a long way. I started this journey wearing a size 28 jeans. A few weeks ago, I could easily zip up a size 12 and look fabulous in them. This week, I can still zip them up, but they are starting to get uncomfortable around the belly. I cried. This is so hard to do a complete 180 to think about weight. Another problem is that I don't have a bump yet....just a thickening waist line. I have gained just one pound. But still the pants are getting super tight. Explain this to me.

Look at the difference! Don't mind the exhausted look....I had a tired day on Sunday!
11 Weeks!
 13 Weeks!

I did order my first pair of maternity pants. I tried a pair on at Motherhood and they were pretty comfy and I feel okay wearing them without the girdle. So, we are gonna give that a try.

On the plus size, we have started getting ready for baby at the house. We've decided to rip up the carpet in the living room and replace with a wood laminate. We are also going to put new carpet in the nursery. We are also getting rid of some of Johnathan's bachelor items (like the 5ft speakers and sound system and love seat) and get some furniture that has a hideaway bed so we can have people come stay when Poppyseed is born. Since we are getting rid of the guest room bed, we gotta have someone to put the Grandmas!

So, prayers for this week are that Poppyseed just keeps on growing and that this pregnancy stays smooth! Next week, I'll have an OB appointment update for you so pray that goes well!

I know I say this alot, but thank you so much for your support and prayers. You guys are what makes this seem easy, because without your encouragement, advice and prayers, I would be so lost!

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