Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Poppyseed's heartbeat is the most beautiful sound in the world! 15 weeks!

We are 15 weeks this week!! Poppyseed is the size of a naval orange! Even though I can't feel it yet, that baby of mine is moving around a ton in there! This week Poppyseed might even be hiccuping! Last week thumb sucking and this week hiccuping! I love it when I learn that the baby is doing baby like things. All the baby's joints and limbs can move now! Poppyseed weighs about 2.5 ounces and measures about 4 inches. The proportions are becoming more and more normal! The point is that this baby is growing and growing!

What happened to "once, you hit the second trimester, it's smooth sailing?" Because that's not happening?! I'm still tired as I was and the nauseousness is NOT getting any better at night. Also, for all you gals that promised me that I finally get the girls to a size I want them??? I don't believe that either! In all seriousness, I have been told that I have the glow and I can't stop smiling. I am so happy!

Cramping is another symptom that I seem to have. They aren't bad and the doctor said they are normal. The response I got was up my intake of water. We all know that I have a problem getting in my fluids. I'm going to try, but I get busy. So, if you see me, tell me to take a sip.

So, this week was Valentine's day week. You know, I feel like it's Valentine's every day because I have such an amazing spouse! He supports me and shows me the best kind of love that has ever been shown to me (not counting the agape love that God provides). He is worries when I worry. He keeps me steady. He takes care of things. This isn't just one day a year folks. This is my every day. I don't know what I did to earn God's favor to have a husband like this, but I thank God that he chose to bless me with a man like my Mr. Muller. I'm pretty sure I got the best of the bunch ladies.

He even got Poppyseed a valentine. Poppyseed got a little teddy bear that says "Be Mine." The funny thing about this is that along with my beautiful display of roses, he also sent me a box of chocolates and this bear. And selfish me, thought they were all mine, until I noticed a small note on the bear after the day was half over that said "I love you and our little Poppyseed. Here's a valentine for the baby." Me and this baby are spoiled rotten already.

On Valentine's Day, we went furniture shopping. Yes, I said furniture. With our little addition, we've got to get more seating for all the visitors that we are anticipating. We also met with Lowe's to get our new flooring. With all the little one's throughout the years, we are ripping up the white carpet and getting wood flooring!! We also looked a baby furniture. We have a crib picked out and a little family tradition of a rocker. We are really started to nest down on this baby thing! Getting the house baby ready! We can't wait! We also had a date night. We got all dressed up (which is my favorite) and went to Giacomo's. It's my favorite. Their steak is the BEST! I usually have to have steak sauce, but this steak is too good to add A1 to it! After our romantic meal, we went to The Art Spot and did the couples painting. It was tons of fun and our painting turned out really good! All in all, a day with my husband with our focus on our family was AMAZING!

Yesterday, we had our first second trimester OB appointment. One thing that I worry about (ha!) is that I worry too much. Let me just say that Dr. Henslee is wonderful. He was the best choice! He said that he would worry if I didn't worry. Because pregnancy is not roses and daisies especially for first time mommies. There's so much going on that I don't recognize and understand. He gave me assurance that's okay for me to worry and ask questions. That's important to me because I am scared. I am nervous. I don't know what's going on with my body. I don't know what's normal and what's not. So, for me to be affirmed that my worry is normal and okay, it was a huge weight off my shoulders.

I can feel my uterus. While I know that I'm not supposed to use Google, something didn't feel quite normal with my belly. It was getting hard. Google told me that it's just my uterus and Google was right (for once). God is so amazing. He created these bodies and it's amazing to me how our bodies work. It doesn't just happen. Our bodies were designed and pregnancy is such a perfect example of God's perfect design. Anyways, my uterus is measuring two weeks ahead of schedule. Which is normal and okay. It just means the baby has plenty of room in there to grow and swim around.

We got to hear the heartbeat again! It is the most beautiful sound in the world! It was a good strong heartbeat and I sooooo didn't have a long enough time to listen! But it sure was BEAUTIFUL!!!

I also gained two pounds! This might be the few times that I'm excited about weight gain, but it was a concern at the last doctor's appointment. So, we are right on target with that!

What's next? Just normal life. We go back in March and received our orders to get our ultrasound that will tell us if we are having a Princess or a Deere! So, we are going to get that scheduled and then have our gender reveal on March 29th at 1:30pm at the church. We cannot wait because then the real nursery planning and decorating can happen!!! WE ARE SO EXCITED!! ONLY 25 WEEKS TO GO!!! We can't wait to hold our little Poppyseed and kiss the cheeks and tickle toes!

So, keep praying that things continue this path! Everything is going great and that's in large part due to your prayers and all to God's grace and blessings! Thank you all for the prayers and support! They mean so much to us!

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