Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Obesity! Defeated!! ANNNDDDD Welcome me to ONE-derland!!!

Let's start this off with a BANG!

Pounds lost this week: 5 Pounds
Pounds Lost Since Surgery: 105 Pounds
Overall Pounds Lost: 147 Pounds

Pounds to Go until GOAL: 48 Pounds

I cannot tell you how excited I was this morning on weigh in Tuesday. I was sooo excited and I weighed like 8 times just to make sure that this was for real!

So, my title is pretty self explanatory, but I'm going to explain anyway because it's making me smile. One of the aspects of this challenge was that I was obese. My Body Mass Index (BMI) was actually a Level III Morbid Obese number. I'll be honest it was 52. There are so many health issues and risks associated with obesity. One of the main reasons for doing this was to get healthy. This is just one way to prove that this is working and that my hard work has paid off. As of this morning, I am officially no longer obese! My BMI is 29.0 which is in the overweight category. I lost 30 points off of the BMI scale. It's just one step closer to the goal. It makes me proud of myself. I've worked so hard for this.

Also, in my title is ONE-derland. If you are or know anyone who is WLS, you've heard the term. If you don't, ONE-derland is being under 200 and your weight starting with One Hundred. I about to 100% real and honest with you. I'm actually very embarrassed about this. I started this journey at 345 pounds. There are several factors as to how I arrived at that number. I'm telling you this now because I want you know and understand and appreciate how I felt when I stepped on the scale to reveal that I weight 198 pounds. I cried. I honestly do not know the last time I weight in the 100s. I'm sure it was pre-junior high. This is monumental and this is what made my day so very incredible. I even took a picture of it to prove to myself it really happened. I also immediately sent it to Johnathan.

I know I talk about this alot but when it comes to my husband, I am one blessed woman. Many women who have chosen to do this do not have the love and support that I have when it comes to this. His immediate response was to tell me how proud of me that he is and how much he loves me. It makes me proud of him to have the love and support that I have. When you see him, tell him that you are proud him too. He's worked just as hard and then also dealth with all of my issues along the way.

This week was also just a regular week. Just work, school, gym, repeat. This weekend was pretty great. We slept in and then got up and around and ready for exercise. Let me just start this with I LOVE the Wellness Center. I love the atmosphere and the people that work there. I love to use the equipment and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pool. However, Saturday morning was absolutely beautiful and we decided to take Crimson and walk the park. We loved it. He loved the exercise and we loved the nice cool air and the beautiful day. And even though I know I'm not supposed to, I jogged the last curve. I want to be able to run one day so I need to start somewhere right?!

On Sunday, I guest led the music at Central Christian. Johnathan said that he's noticed my confidence has grown since WLS. I noticed this when I sang this Sunday. I felt great and felt like I looked great. I wore a cute little skirt suit and flats. I'm still not brave enough for heels. We also went out to eat with a coworker and had a lovely time with his family. It's nice to be able to step away from the office and connect with others that we work with. It was a great meal and great conversation. Little moments like this is what make life more enjoyable.

Now for my low point of the week.... We took Miss Ry to see Boxtrolls. CUTE MOVIE. We will probably own this one. However, this time, the smell of the popcorn was soooo intoxicating. It really is getting harder and harder to walk away. This was my fault because I didn't have time to pack some healthy snacks. Partly, it's the movie theatre's fault for not offering more healthy options (hint, hint Cinema 69)! I tried getting a pickle and making it work but it was NOT happening. So, I took some popcorn and licked the salt off it. I didn't eat any. I just licked it. And felt so guilty about it. The struggle is real. This is just even more proof that the surgery is not a end all cure. It is a struggle and I still have to fight cravings and food in my face. But I made it through the movie and home to some of my carb smart ice cream and even made a crustless pumpkin pie (see recipe below).

So, today was a wonderful or should I say ONE-derful day! I'm still doing my study on Ephesians. I'm just on Chapter Two but I've learned so much. I love that time that I get to spend with my God. This week the tie is between Ephesians 2:1-10 and the story of Jacob. So, we all know the story of Jacob and how he worked 7 years for Rachel but Laban gave him Leah and he had to work another 7 years for Rachel. So after all of that Laban wanted to reward Jacob because Jacob did a good job. So, he gave him the worst of his flock and Jacob grew that flock into a more profitable flock than Laban's. Well, that didn't sit well with Laban so Jacob decided to leave. What got me was how detailed the Bible was at explaining this crazy way that Jacob got them to breed and create this super flock. Apparently, it's like an "old wives tale" kind of way of doing things. Scientifically, this theory has been disproved to work. But the she goes on to say that God told Jacob to look up and see. And what Jacob saw was that everything in his life happened because God allowed it or God created it. God gave Jacob his sons (there were 12 btw). God gave that super flock to Jacob. His crazy way of trying to grow that flock wasn't what made him successful, it was God. The challenge was to look up and see. I immediately looked "up" and got the message. This weight loss surgery isn't my doing. This is because #1: God gave us the resources to do this surgery. #2. God has given me the strength to do this. Both physicially and mentally. #3. God deserves the praise. He's the one who has been keeping my body going (I've been tracking, I eat an average of 800 calories a day). #4. God is making me work my "seven" years. Just like Jacob for Rachel, I know there is a great reward for seeking Him and following His will. Do I know that's a baby? I don't. But I have faith that God will reward me with a child either by birth or adoption. I honestly believe he's getting me ready for that journey with this one.

Prayer requests this week is just for you to thank God for me and all of the success. He deserves the praise this week. He made it happen.

As promised!

Crustless Pumpkin Pie

1 C. Splenda
1/2 C. Brown Sugar Splenda Blend
2 Tblsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Ground Ginger
4 Large Eggs
1 Large Can Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin
2 Can Evaporated Milk

1. Preheat oven to 425
2. Mix Splenda, Brown Splenda, Cinnamon, Salt and Ginger in a bowl.
3. Beat eggs in a large bowl.
4. Stir in Canned pumpkin and sugar and spice blend
5. Gradually Stir in Canned Milk
6. Pour into a 9X11 Baking dish
7. Bake for 40 to 50 Minutes or until knife is inserted in the middle and comes out clean
8. Top with Light Whipped Cream


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