Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fertility Specialist & Excercise Expert & Maybe a little TMI.....

Here ya go!

Pounds Lost Last week: 6 Pounds
Pounds Lost Since Surgery: 69 Pounds
Overall Weight Loss 111 Pounds

It was a pretty great week!! On Wednesday, we made the trek to OKC for two appointments. The first was to see Dr. Reshef. If you remember correctly, Dr. Reshef is the Fertility Specialist that we love dearly. He also is my OB. It's been about two years since my annual and he wasn't going to refill my birth control until I got my annual. Yuck. But his office is soooo welcoming! His nurse Beverly is absolutely wonderful! I also haven't been there in two years, so of course, being down over 100 pounds made them beam over me. I felt so good about myself that day. She even noticed Johnathan's weight loss. This is what makes her a good nurse. They haven't seen me since August 2012 and she noticed the weight loss! She did a happy dance after I weighed!! Then she takes my blood pressure. It was 108/70!!! That's a pretty flipping amazing BP! And I haven't had one that low in such a long time! So, we go into the room. I'm asked to get undressed and into the patient gown and blah blah blah. Dr. Reshef comes in and is so encouraging about the weight loss. He even stated that together my and Johnathan's weight loss combined (196 Pounds) is an average adult male. It's mind blowing!! So, we all know that one of the topics of discussion was fertility options come January. So, he tells me he wants to do the exam first and then let me get dressed and he'll meet me in his office. He believes that it is harder for a woman to pay attention when she's half naked on the table because all she can think about is being half naked on the table. I really really respect and love Dr. Reshef. This is one of the reasons. He respects me so much and is honest. He is truly everything I want in a physician. I 100% recommend him if you or any of your friends or family are looking for a fertility specialist. Anyways, so the $100 question: What do we do in January??? Well, on January 28th whenever I finish a birth control pack, I'm not ordering another prescription. And we're gonna get down to business in the Muller household!! He said that my body is like a completely new body and we honestly don't know what my body is going to do on its own until we let it. So, he wants me to monitor my body for three months to ensure I have a cycle each month. Then, he recommends trying naturally for three month; however, if I get impatient (he knows me so well) we can make an appointment and start trying. He gave me a sheet for optimizing natural fertility. He also wants me to use temperature charts or ovulation kits to help us along. I am so so so so so so excited about January! It was such a good appointment and if you've read my previous blogs, you know these appointments haven't always gone so well so I'm really excited about my progress.

Next up on the appointment agenda was the VO2 testing. So, VO2 testing makes you put on an oxygen mask and heart monitor and walk on the treadmill. Colby is my Excercise Expert. That's not his actual title; however, I can't remember it and probably wouldn't be able to spell it without Google. Anyway, Colby adjusts the speed and the incline until I was no longer burning fat and only burning carbs. This is a problem because I don't eat many carbs (just from the natural carbs in the cheeses, veggies, beans, etc...). I have a heart rate target that is specific to my body that will allow me to continue to burn fat. This has been the hardest thing for me to wrap my mind around. I've always though when it comes to exercise you push it and go harder and go faster. But I'm not training to be faster or harder. I'm training to be healthy and that includes a healthy heart rate. So, I'm really trying. We are even on the look out for a good heart monitor to help me keep this goal. After we met with Colby, we met with the nutrionist. It's standard to do so to make sure I'm following orders. So, surprise, surprise! I'm not meeting my fluids or taking my calcium supplements. There's a new water bottle and it's called HyrdaCoach and I WANT ONE!! It's a water bottle that tracks water in take and buzzes when you haven't taken a sip in a while. I'm shopping for one!! I also bought some caramel calcium chews and they taste like candy. I've been doing better about water and about the calcium chews. I'm working on meeting all the goals set for me. Not just the ones I like :)

On Saturday, we took the church kids to Robber's Cave State Park. I love Wilburton. I had some of the best times in that small town. I even shared memories with Johnathan about my good ole EOSC days. A quote from the Theatre came to me "Tread lightly upon these hollow boards because some of us have left our hearts upon them." I may not have left my whole heart on that stage, but there is a piece left there that will never be filled again. I miss it. I miss it sooooooo much.

Anyways, we had a fun day. We cooked out and went swimming. It was a little cold for swimming but it was still a beautiful day. I've really come to love being outdoors. The summer breeze was wonderful and so serene. Robber's Cave is beautiful. The kids had a good day and we had a good day. I really do have a blessed life.

It was a good week.

So, prayer requests for this week include that this excitment and motiviation continue. I really am on cloud 9 with all this fertility business and the possiblity that this time next year I could be announcing the gender of a baby. It's my deepest prayer and desire.

Again, thank you for your prayers and encouragment. It is what is keeping me going and keeping this smile on my face that I have right at this very moment.

Happy Reading!

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