Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Week 2 is officially over!

Weekly weigh in:
Loss this week: 8 pounds
Loss since surgery: 26 pounds
Overall Loss: 68 pounds

I'm pretty pumped that I am almost 70 pounds down; however, I was a little disappointed with this weeks loss. Don't get me wrong, 8 pounds is amazing but compared to the 18 last week, it kinda is a downer. I knew this would evenutally happen, but wasn't expected it so soon.

I did lose some inches on my waist, thighs, neck and hips. That really excites me. It proves that all of this hard work is paying off.

So week two was a bit rougher if you can imagine that. It started out great. I had a little energy. I started back to the gym. I still went a little stir crazy inside this house for days on end, but other that the beginning of week was pretty good; however, as the week ran on, I felt weak and got tired quicker. I then became worried about coming back to work and having enough energy to sustain it. So since I was stir crazy, we decided to get out town. We took my wonderful brillant neice to OKC to the children's museum. It was great and I'm so glad we decided to schedule the dome movie after an hour of being there but the 40 minute moving really saved me. We had a great time and Rylee really had a great time and she didn't even know she was learning. Afterwards, we went to Chuck E. Cheese. This was probably the hardest moment of this time. I sat there and drank water while my loved ones ate this delicious smelling pizza. But I held fast because I know eating this could not only make me sick and possibly damage my patch, but it could also rip my stomach open and kill me. Some people like to gamble with part of their surgery, but not me. No way! After Chuck E. Cheese, I became extremely tired. I knew then I had made a mistake and took it too far.

On Sunday, I could not shake the fatigue. We had a good day at church and two baptisms praise the Lord! We also ate after church. Well everyone else. I drank a few drinks of a protein shake while everyone else at my Nana's beans and my chicken and stuffing and Papa's brisket. These are the moments that I have buyers remorse, but it's psychological. I need to remember that food is not a comfort and food is not what brings families together. It's not easy.

The last two days I've been back at work. I really do love my job and I love the people I work with. It's been wonderful to get all of the support from my coworkers and hearing things like "You're shrinking" "You look great!" "You need to get some new clothes." These make my day that much better.

Today, I was able to go to water aerobics and it was exhausting. I had to take breaks. I also pride myself on being one of the faster people in the class. Today I wasn't even close. It was hard, but I did it. I've discovered that I'm a little resilient and stubborn. I push through the nausea and exhaustion. I have a goal and I'm that much closer to it.

I also started eating today. I've had a little over half of cheese stick throughout the entire day. I'm afraid to eat more than that. I don't want to throw up or get dumping syndrome. I'm not hungry at all, but I know that I need to eat something to help keep my metabolism up. I also got to start vitamins today so this should help with the fatigue. I'm praying. I also am going to take biotin because I have a little more falling out than I think it should. There is no clear research on this, but it can't hurt right?

So, that's the update this week. I've lost pounds and lost inches and I'm tired. But tomorrow is a new day and I've been promised that the fatigue gets better. Things really are going as normal as expected and there's nothing uncommon about the symptoms that I am experiencing. So, for those of you who are worrying don't. These are normal feelings. I've researched it, talked to people who have the surgery and discussed these options with my physician.

Again, all I ask is for prayers and the continued support. Also, again for those of you who have surgery questions for me, just ask. I'm pretty open about this experience as you can read.

Happy reading everyone!

God bless you!!

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