Thursday, October 17, 2013

Negative Nancies are NOT welcome! Big decision revealed

Let me again preface this saying if you are a Negative Nancy I don't want you here. This blog was created so that others like me can get information and strength from my words. Also, so my supportive family and friends can keep up with what is going on in our lives. I am hard enough on myself and have enough negativity around me, I don't need you. Also, I won't tolerate it. I will block you both from my online activities and my life.

The last time I blogged (January), I was informed that we were done with fertility treatments because I was not responding to the medicine. My wonderful physician gave me two options: The first In Vitro and the second was Weight Loss Surgery. It was a hard hit and I've really had a hard time dealing with it especially since everytime I turn around someone has announced he or she is going to have a baby. It's not easy and I wouldn't wish this kind of suffering on my worst enemy. I feel empty. Thank God I have the support system that I have or I wouldn't have made it through this. Nothing has tested my faith in God and humanity more than this experience and nothing has brought me closer to God than this experience.

So, about March, I started researching both options. Both are great options. However, we have made our decision. We have decided to proceed with the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. This is also not any easy decision. This is what I meant by negativity. I really don't want or need any "This is the easy way out." "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Have you tried Weight Watchers?". I have researched and thought and prayed and I am sticking my decision. I cannot be any clearer that if you project your negativity here, I'm done. Anyways, I've sat through two webinars and this is what meets my needs. A few weeks ago, we were approved for the loan to have the surgery done. You can research how much it is. It's not cheap and most insurances do not cover this procedure (Insert write your congressman speech you've already heard here).

Today, I met with my surgeon and it more than reinforced that this is the right decision. It was wonderful. He answered all my questions. The first obviously was when can we start TTC again. The answer is 18 months. 18 looonnggg months. The upside is that this surgery will more than likely drastically change my fertility. So much that I have to be established on birth control before my surgery. There are somethings that I have to complete before I can have my surgery. I have to have some extensive lab work done, an EKG, and I have to lose 10% of my body weight. It's not going to be easy but nobody said that any of this would. It just makes me that much stronger and will make me that much more appreciative of Johnathan, my family, my co-workers (Marge, Tiffany & Amber, I honestly don't know what I would do without you gals!), my friends and my future children. This surgery will also help with my PCOS symptoms and also allow me to have a healthy pregnancy and a the possiblity of a long life with my babies.

I go back on Tuesday to meet with the psychologist, the dietician, and the exercise specialist. I have projected date of the 2nd week of January for the actual sugery. I'm excited. I'm scared. I'm anxious. I'm hopeful. I have a long way to go but I'm pretty confident I can get there and before you know it, you'll be reading a blog with even bigger and better news.

Right now, I just need prayers and support. I'm really happy with our decision. There are some things I'm not happy about like the birth control and the psych test, but I know it's what is best for all who is involved. Thank you in advance for your thoughts and your prayers! God bless each and every one of you!

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