Monday, February 20, 2012

Even the smallest of good news is still good news!

So, this weekend was one of the best weekends I've had in a long time! I'm just going to warn you like before, this blog can contain TMI.

I started my cycle on my own! I'm pretty sure I don't know very many girls who celebrate a "monthly bill," but I always get so excited! It means my body worked the way it should last month and that I was that much closer to getting what my heart desires!

So, the minute it turned 8:00, I called the doctor and the first question she asked about was weight loss. No, I haven't lost anymore and Beverly said that Dr. Reshef would like for me to see if I do it again next month without any medicine. Sounds good to me! My hopes aren't up, but I am proud of myself. Beverly asked what we are doing differently, and honestly the only thing that is different is that my new position is so much less stress. I'm not stressing out every day. Beverly said that actually makes a huge difference and that I should learn to stress less. "Let Go and Let God." It's so much easier to type those five words than it is to actually live it, but I am seriously trying.

So, we are going on our annual anniversary trip and going to enjoy ourselves and then when we come home, it's going to be boot camp and weight watchers to get back on track! I will definetly need prayers and encouragement....

But for now, we are going to get ready for our little mini vacation in the cabin by the lake in the hot tub! Be jealous! And watch Facebook for pictures of the cutest couple in the world: Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan & Lucy Muller :)

We are also going to praise God because what this month proves more than anything is that with God all things are possible!

God Bless You All! And Thanks for stopping by!!!

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