Thursday, January 19, 2012

In Dire need of encouragment....

So the good new is that we got the internet back! So, I can officially update this blog!

I hope everyone had a fantabulous New Years!

Well, 2012 has not started off the way we had hoped. The last I had written you I had that follicle test that predicted that ovulation for this cycle was unlikely and just as Beverly predicited, I did not ovulate. I waited the 40 days to call Beverly. I did not take a pregnancy test. I knew there would be no point. I can tell by my temperature chart that I did not ovulate. I hate having to call the doctor when I didn't ovulate. It is almost never good news and I usually end up in tears. Well, this time was no different. Beverly gave me three options: #1: A Whiffle Ball Procedure. #2: The fertility shots and #3: Take some time off and focus on weight loss.

I wanted to go with option #1. The whiffle ball procedure has a 70% success rate; however, my insurance will not cover this procedure. And it is just as much as having anywhere between $11,000 and $17,000. And seeing that I don't have $17,000 just lying around, that option is not an option.

Option #2 is the same way. Insurance will not cover the shots and since they are now FDA approved to do something, pharmaceutical companies have uped the price from $20 a shot to hundreds of dollars a shot so this shot remedy can cost $2000 a month. So, this options is also not an option.

So that leaves us with option #3 which is what we will be going with. Taking time off to focus on weight loss. I am devasted. I feel like nothing that I've done so far is worth anything and that no matter how hard I'm working, it's not going to happen.

I'm really discouraged and I don't really know what to do next. I even have a hard time making it to water aerobics and counting weight watcher points because I'm not really sure what the point is. Beverly assures me that once I loose weight, there will be a threshold that will be broken and I will ovulate. But, how much more? How much longer? How long will my arms be empty?

Johnathan and I have some decisions and prayer and searching for God. I really need strength and it has to be God's strength because I'm not sure how much I have left in me.

I wish I could give you better news. Right now, I just need some encouragement and prayers and motivation.

Again, thank you all for reading my blog and for your prayers and thoughts and love.

God bless you!


  1. Aww... I'm so sorry about that!!

    Just throwing this out there, in case you haven't tried this yet.... but I recently went to the ER for something un-PCOS related, but the ER doctor happened to be an OBGYN and was very interested in my cycles and all my womanly problems. Long story short, I went to see him, told him everything and then he put me on a new medicine called metformin. He said it will help with my cycles, help prevent diabetes, help me lose weight among other things. He said he's had women on it for 2-3 months who lost weight and started spontaneously ovulating again. I just started it a week ago and moved up to a higher dosage today. Anyway, like I said, I don't know all of your condition and previous treatments but the doctor I had before never mentioned anything like this. This new doctor, it's the first thing he mentioned. So... it might be something you talk over with your doctor. I'm sure you can google it too. Anyway... just a thought. THinking of you and praying for you!


  2. ((hugs)) I know how hard it is to feel like the time you've spent trying is wasted. It's hard, and it sucks. Can you find a new way to work out? Perhaps a different routine would be enough to help you regain your motivation. Could you try training for a 10K? For me, having a different goal to work toward helped me take my mind off of things.
