March Madness! I love the month of March. It's my birthday month. It's my brother's birthday month. It's the month we celebrate my heritage. It's the first day of Spring. It's March Madness. March is a great month. And up until today, this year is no exception.
The last time that I wrote, I had started my cycle on my own and began charting my temperature. Well, it seemed that my temperature spiked and that indicates ovulation. So the next thing to do was to wait it out and take a test.
Tests have never worked out for me. I was a straight A student in school and worked my rear off to keep it that. However, I always panicked and stressed out when it came to taking a test. Today was pregnancy test day. I will never understand how much one little line can bring so much pain. It was negative and there is no sign of my "monthly bill."
I'm trying not to let it get to today. I spent the day at church and at Nana's with my family. I don't know where I'm going from here, but things need to change. I don't know how or where I'm going to get the strength, but I'm just going to have to push through it and lean on my God and my family for support.
It's going to happen someday, I just have to be strong and courageous and wait for God to move.
Thank you again for all the prayers and support. God bless you all.